I got antsy,,,, But it looks good so far!


Limp Gawd
Apr 28, 2008
Thank you again to everyone who helped me with my "Pre-overclocking help" thread. After taking everyones advice under consideration, I order a AC Freezer 7 Pro. I seriously pondered getting a Xigmatek S1283, but the clearance on my case was going to be tight. It probably would have fit, but I opted to get the one I know for sure will fit. I also order some g.Skill 2X2GB-1000.

BUT, UPS, being extremely slow, will not have my package to me until Monday. So, I got antsy. I went ahead and OCed with my stock cooler and my current RAM. I currently have my E6320 at 2.8GHz, 1.33V in the BIOS, RAM at 800MHz. I have been running Prime95 for about 40 minutes now. The core temps have only gotten to 57C/57C according to CPUID Hardware Monitor.

I guess I should ask, is what I am doing now safe? From everything that I have read, as long as the system is stable and my temps are low, the answer should be "yes".

Given that it looks like this setup will easily be stable using the stock cooler, what do you all with WAY more experience than me at this think I could easily and safely achieve as far as OCing once I get my upgraded parts?
Your fine. As long as you are under 60c you are safe. You could push further but since you have a better cooler on the way I would just wait. I don't even speculate on max OC's. All chips are different and you will only find it through testing but you should have a good shot at 3.4.
OMG were HSF twinsies!! hehe I ordered the same hsf for my e2180. I plan to crank it up to 9*333 when I get it :). I also got g. skill 4gb ram kit, but the one below the model you have.
Wonder what this E6320 baby will do?

Temps up too 75 Celsius are ok in an OC but >75 it gets scary.(or am I wrong)
There are alottof GPU's around which have no problem doing 80 Celsius in sustainable load.
But for the CPU not a good idea.

3.0 GHz possible? Must be I think.
Well, last night I lowered my vcore to 1.30 in the bios, 1.248 on CPUZ. It ran stable for an hour on Prime, before I turned it off to go to bed. I think I can go lower with the vcore. I want to try because on the last setting I closed up my case (I ran all of my other tests with the door off to be safe). When I closed it up, the temps went from 54C/54C to 60C/60C. That still doesn't seem too hot. Good thing I don't have the new memory yet, or I'd really be temped to go higher. Guess I'm waiting until Monday now :)
I would not let it run burning tests for houers in the beginning of your OC.
15 min. max. I think is enough to get it heatet up.
When bussing OCing I take it even shorter to get to my OC target.
Later I lower my settings and see to get the temp lower on a certain OC.
If that max. OC is stable than put it on a bit longer stresstest.
I think an houer is crazy anywayz maybe 25-30 min must be sufficient enough to heat the system too it's max..
I would not let it run burning tests for houers in the beginning of your OC.
15 min. max. I think is enough to get it heatet up.
When bussing OCing I take it even shorter to get to my OC target.
Later I lower my settings and see to get the temp lower on a certain OC.
If that max. OC is stable than put it on a bit longer stresstest.
I think an houer is crazy anywayz maybe 25-30 min must be sufficient enough to heat the system too it's max..

Thanks for the tip. You will have saved me a lot of time later. I'm going to try and get my vcore as low as possible tonight so I know just how low it will go. This will give me kind of a starting point when I get my new hardware.