I figured out why people love CoD:4


Aug 24, 2004
It's similar to counterstrike with the main difference that a complete idiot can pick it up, and do well. Skill plays a minimal part in the game to begin with and it's compounded by the fact that there's absolutely no need for headshots, aiming, or tactics for the most part.

In 3 weeks the game won't even have the diversity the weapon system brings, every single player who isn't a complete noob will be using the p90. The thing has the best of all worlds, coupled with the steady aim talent I can run in and rape 10 people before they know what hit them. I don't even have to aim, just spray and it instagibs everyone. Need to snipe? Still does a fine job at that as well, and that's the problem with COD4.

Snipers are useless, all off the assault guns have the same range, more lethality, and less recoil, and a larger magazine (shotguns aside).

I don't see this game being nearly as popular as CS, or any of the big FPS' once people actually see what the game is made of. There's not even any death animations, no blood, nothing. You shoot someone, and it's like you said, "pow! you're dead. now do a death animation."

Like I said, it's so popular right now because of all the idiots who were used to having a .25 kd ratio can log on and actually kill people. The only real skill that I can see are those that can effectively use the UAV's, use claymores/grenades, and stay alive to rack up the 7 kills needed for the helo and any idiot can do that tbh.

The MP sucks, it's just too soon for people to realize it.
lol.. idk whether to believe this or take this as a joke...

First of all play on hardcore servers with good people... no multiplayer shooter can compare with the skill it takes...

I know there are some dumb things that need to be tweaked (airstrikes before 15 seconds on small maps = whole team dead) but other then that cod4 mp is awesome and takes skill..

ps- cs sucks =)
It takes so much skill that my very first MP match, with my only experience being the demo released a month ago, and was able to get 2nd place 3x consecutively on a 40 man server with the mp5?
It takes so much skill that my very first MP match, with my only experience being the demo released a month ago, and was able to get 2nd place 3x consecutively on a 40 man server with the mp5?

Because you are playing on crappy public servers. Find a team, join a league, play a good team, get destroyed. The skill curve in CoD is BIG.
Aren't you the one that keeps bashing COD4 in all the threads if so we get it you don't like the game let the people that do enjoy it. If I'm wrong ignore me. But otherwise let it rest.

BTW I hate the P90.
Barret FTW
It just seems that way because people using the p90 >>>>>>>>>> people not using the p90.

I've looked through all the weapon files, the little dinky Skorpian SMG is enough to kill you in 2 hits, anywhere, even the feet. It hits for 50 a pop while the P90 hits for 30. Also the UZI has the highest damage output of all the SMGs per second.

The P90's advantage is the magazine size, but assuming you actually hit your shots, they will drop first.
I think it takes skill, for example I'm on the flashback mission on hardened where the game sends about 500 soldiers and a grenade per two seconds thrown your way against a half retarded sniper and yourself. You'd need to have some serious skill not to shoot yourself to end the misery.
It just seems that way because people using the p90 >>>>>>>>>> people not using the p90.

Wouldnt be surprised if the foot was on the other shoe, are you sure you're not the noob getting owned and just simply ranting by saying cod4 is easy, blah blah blah.

You play FPS often, you get good in a short period of time, doesnt matter what the game is.

your rant is pointless, and i dont know what counter-strike you been playing, but the one that I play, a noob will definitely get owned by a skilled player. simple as that.
Hey now... I take offense to the OP's post. I happen to like my .25 k/d ratio... :D
Sounds like someone is pissed off because folks finally are moving on to a better game...
i know some certain game nuthuggers are scared their game is gonna lose touch with the community and scared of change.
It's similar to counterstrike blahblahblahblah.

Wow... you like to call the COD4 population "idiot" alot. Whats up with that?
Here I thought the elitist attitude of CS players was just a stereotype...

I played CS for like 5 years and for the most part I love COD4. Maybe there some big difference between the PC and 360 version that I dont know about...

If you dont like it, then dont play it. Stop ur griping and let the rest of us have fun, eh?
Angry little person....
It's similar to counterstrike with the main difference that a complete idiot can pick it up, and do well. Skill plays a minimal part in the game to begin with and it's compounded by the fact that there's absolutely no need for headshots, aiming, or tactics for the most part.

In 3 weeks the game won't even have the diversity the weapon system brings, every single player who isn't a complete noob will be using the p90. The thing has the best of all worlds, coupled with the steady aim talent I can run in and rape 10 people before they know what hit them. I don't even have to aim, just spray and it instagibs everyone. Need to snipe? Still does a fine job at that as well, and that's the problem with COD4.

Snipers are useless, all off the assault guns have the same range, more lethality, and less recoil, and a larger magazine (shotguns aside).

I don't see this game being nearly as popular as CS, or any of the big FPS' once people actually see what the game is made of. There's not even any death animations, no blood, nothing. You shoot someone, and it's like you said, "pow! you're dead. now do a death animation."

Like I said, it's so popular right now because of all the idiots who were used to having a .25 kd ratio can log on and actually kill people. The only real skill that I can see are those that can effectively use the UAV's, use claymores/grenades, and stay alive to rack up the 7 kills needed for the helo and any idiot can do that tbh.

The MP sucks, it's just too soon for people to realize it.

This needs to be put in the Bible. Very well said!