I can't take it anymore!!!!!!!!!!!/rant

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Apr 25, 2003
Having been a member here for longer then my sig denotes I feel compelled.......
I've recently gotten into software recording of my guitar/musical instrument recording....
and have had some questions regarding the SoftWare......that I use.
The *&))$_@#$@$ holes at this elegidly sound recording site have such a pompus attitude about everything on Gods Green Earth that I hope They all get hemorioudes :eek:
It isn't due to the owners effort through, lord knowes they try
All of you here at the [H] , posters and administrators and owners and everyone....even the knuckle Heads......
at 11:00 am eastern time pat your selves on the back for being the most civil, contentiuos yet fair, and above all HELPFUL group of HUMAN BEINGS on this planet!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(I was gonna say post but I figured that wouldn't be right)
I thank you one and all, and Kyle in spite of yourself .........being able to keep it all going !!!!
(I do feel better now,thankyou) :)
This reminds me of the profanity episode of Bullshit where Penn yells "I love you!" right in the puppy's face. :D

It's an odd way to say thanks, but it's thanks nonetheless.
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