I can't get my SLI to work!!!


Mar 16, 2007
I have a p55a ud4p and 2 msi gtx 460s. Everything was working perfectly until I put the other gtx 460 in. Then two things happened in my device manager:
1) My USB controller became unrecognized,
2) There's a graphics adapter

I thought the nvidia is supposed to instantly recognize that you put another video card and automatically ask if you want to SLI them?

Please help!! :(
it wont ask it will just do it if you have the SLI bridge installed.. look in the nvidia control panel and see if its enabled..

and as far as the USB thing if your referring the onboard usb its because when you have 2 cards installed you lose sata 6Gbps and usb 3.0.. they get dropped down to sata II and usb 2.0.. yay for crap support.. if that's the case it could explain why it doesn't recognize the controller.. if its an after market controller then i have no clue..
nm installing non beta drivers did the trick. the usb was the nec usb 3.0 drivers
So, once you sli you lose 6gb support and USB 3.0 support?
it wont ask it will just do it if you have the SLI bridge installed.. look in the nvidia control panel and see if its enabled..

I have SLIed GTX 480s and each time I've installed drivers for it, it asks if you want to turn SLI on...

In my experience the default behavior for the drivers is to not automatically turn SLI on... But it is the first thing it asks/suggests you do...