I can't find a reason to buy the PS4


Aug 20, 2006
Target has a great deal on the PS4 where you can stack two coupons and get the console for under $300. Naturally, the first thing I do is check on potential games to buy, particularly exclusives, and am blown away at the utter wasteland that PS4 calls its library.

Seriously, is there anything else other than the Naughty Dog remasters, Bloodborne, Until Dawn, and maybe Infamous that are stand-out titles? PS4's library seems much worse than Xbox One's, which I didn't think was even possible.
Sony's exclusive line-up this year is pretty lacking. That said, next year is looking promising with Last Guardian, Horizon Zero Dawn, the Gravity Rush re-make along with a sequel, and of course Uncharted 4.
There isn't any reason, outside of if you're a sheep or dudebro who doesn't have a gaming PC.

PC + Wii U gives me everything worth playing, this generation more than any other.
The Last of Us HD if you don't have it is pretty good. Thats all I can think of outside of your list. I really like the PSN library. They have really good weekly deals. Having owned all 3, the Xboxone was the most disappointing. I bought it when I was drunk for Dead Rising 3 and TitanFall. As soon as I beat Dead Rising a couple times I sold mine to a friend for $300 somehow in the long run I did ok. I havent played my PS4 in a while, but I've been backlogging PC games.
It's pretty much Bloodborne, HD remakes and indie titles.
All the other exclusives that people were waiting for; The Order 1886, Driveclub, etc, were utter failures.
And other studios are having major issues making anything(CAPCOM), cause we are still waiting for Deep Down. Actually that right there shows another major issue this gen, Japan is DEAD. Konami is dead, CAPCOM can't release a new game for the life of them, Square Enix is still throwing shit at the wall wondering why nothing is selling(Is DQ Monster's out yet?).

So yeah, Bloodborne.
God of War 3 remaster. Batman Arkham Knight is arguably the best version on PS4. Driveclub. I don't think any of these are must-haves though.

The Naughty Dog stuff are the best PS4 games thus far IMO.

Actually, I will add Diablo 3 to this list. Some people think it plays better for console. And the PS4 version would be the best port to select.
I know some people have claimed success stacking coupons at Target, but the one near me won't do it. I have tried numerous time in the past with games and such and they won't do it. A very YMMV deal.
Target has a great deal on the PS4 where you can stack two coupons and get the console for under $300. Naturally, the first thing I do is check on potential games to buy, particularly exclusives, and am blown away at the utter wasteland that PS4 calls its library.

Seriously, is there anything else other than the Naughty Dog remasters, Bloodborne, Until Dawn, and maybe Infamous that are stand-out titles? PS4's library seems much worse than Xbox One's, which I didn't think was even possible.

Infamous was fantastic. They have been selling it for $20 digital for a while and picked it up. Also, The Order: 1886 was $20 digital along with The Order too. If you don't mind a approx. 5 - 6 hour campaign it's a great game and possibly the best looking game i've ever seen. Killzone I think is pretty under-rated. Until Dawn is a great game, but I wouldn't spend more than $30 on it.

The library for the PS4 is not bad. Between those and the Naughty Dog remasters there is plenty to play and a lot coming soon. Also if you're interested Dark Souls and Bloodborne like you said.
I am always a pc gamer but keep wanting to play MLB The Show and a few other sports games. I realize none of those get much hype around here but with the deals coming out I'm closer than ever before with getting a console.
Yar, like others said, it's a bit of a wasteland atm. First party titles were definitely lacking this year, I'm sure next year (or the year after) their lineup will be amazing, but these first couple of years have definitely just been 3rd parties, Indies, HD remakes and the occasional first/second party gem (Bloodborne).

I'm curious to see how the Xbone's holiday will be (or how many consoles have sold since Halo 5), their first party exclusives (and timed exclusives) are starting to roll in and cheap price point are making the console an attractive option. I've been contemplated selling/trading my PS4 for a Xbone for these exclusives and picking up a PS4 further down the line when the games start rolling in (which they will).

If I only had to choose two gaming platforms, it'd be a PC for most gaming paired up with a Wii U. Wii U, while even their first party releases have trickled to a snails pace, can offer games that just aren't possible on the PC.
This year's version of MLB The Show was much improved over last year.

New Gran Turismo game has been announced.

Last of Us Remastered was great.
Destiny is best on PS4 and the game itself is a blast. But there really are no "console sellers" for it at the moment besides Bloodborne.
I definitely own two PS4's just to play Destiny with my girlfriend..
My PS4 has only seen action from Destiny (for like 2-3 weeks), Bloodborne, and the Uncharted Collection. Until Uncharted 4 hits, I don't think that will change.
As long as I have a gaming PC, the only reason to have a PS4 is for the rare exclusive. Even when PC games are broken like Batman and AC: Unity, the PC version is still better in most instances.
Agreed that Destiny is a really fun game, even for people like me that hate FPS games with a controller. Most of my PS4 time is spent on free PSN+ games though :)
Having and xbox one, ps4 and my aging gaming pc, I play both consoles equally pretty much and dont regret getting either. My pc on the other hand....kind of dusty, I just dont feel like sitting at a desk or being bothered with pc gaming right now.

The library is not a wasteland, it my no be what your are looking for but its far from a wasteland.
The strongest reason to pick one up, is if you have friends who play it as well.

Single player games are fun, but I like interacting with people and friends. The reason I got into consoles over PC recently, is I had more friends whom owns a PS4 than a computer.

Reasons to buy a PS4

1. Friends
2. Best Netflix ui
3. Great lineup, regardless if they aren't exclusive
4. Bluray
5. Saves space over a regular PC and looks great in the entertainment room.

There are games on the PS4 that you'll hate and or love.

But to be honest, Target blows with their video game collection. Gamestop is the way to go.
Buy any used game and return it in 7 days.
This year's version of MLB The Show was much improved over last year.

New Gran Turismo game has been announced.

Last of Us Remastered was great.

Ha! Yes! I thought I was the only one to play MLB the Show on Hardforum!
Hit me up if you want to match up.
My PS4 has only seen action from Destiny (for like 2-3 weeks), Bloodborne, and the Uncharted Collection. Until Uncharted 4 hits, I don't think that will change.
As long as I have a gaming PC, the only reason to have a PS4 is for the rare exclusive. Even when PC games are broken like Batman and AC: Unity, the PC version is still better in most instances.

I'm the same way. There are a handful of titles I'll play on console but given the option I'll opt for the PC version despite some issues with the ports. Even with the technical issues I think I'm getting a better experience with Arkham Knight on the PC. I'm running it at 4k and getting 45-60FPS with less hitching in the Batmobile than I've seen on the consoles.

I did go with the XBOX One instead of the PS4 because there was more that interested me on it. I got the Master Chief Collection which I enjoyed and Halo 5 which I haven't played yet. I have Mortal Kombat as well but I could have got that on PS4. I did get the console version of that to play when friends come over. On average I probably get one or two consoles games a year. Halo is a guilty pleasure of mine so my console of choice will be an XBOX for the foreseeable future. Even though I believe the PS4 is better there is less I want to play on it.
That's the problem with all current-gen. I've quite beefed gaming PC, and there are just few exclusives, I'd like to play. On XOne I'd love to lay my hands on Forza 6, Horizon 2 and Halo 5. On PS4 it's just Drake and then Horizon (in 2016). But, spend a lot of money, to just play few games just don't seem right to me.

Maybe next year we will see more exclusives on both platforms, that will convince me to buy those consoles, but right now it would be overkill.
I'm the same way. There are a handful of titles I'll play on console but given the option I'll opt for the PC version despite some issues with the ports. Even with the technical issues I think I'm getting a better experience with Arkham Knight on the PC. I'm running it at 4k and getting 45-60FPS with less hitching in the Batmobile than I've seen on the consoles.

I did go with the XBOX One instead of the PS4 because there was more that interested me on it. I got the Master Chief Collection which I enjoyed and Halo 5 which I haven't played yet. I have Mortal Kombat as well but I could have got that on PS4. I did get the console version of that to play when friends come over. On average I probably get one or two consoles games a year. Halo is a guilty pleasure of mine so my console of choice will be an XBOX for the foreseeable future. Even though I believe the PS4 is better there is less I want to play on it.

You should try inFamous Second Son. I was really pleasantly surprised by the game. Sony was selling digital for $20 up until recently (not sure about now) which is WELL worth it. One of the very few games i've 100% completed. Was great and looks fantastic too.
I am always a pc gamer but keep wanting to play MLB The Show and a few other sports games. I realize none of those get much hype around here but with the deals coming out I'm closer than ever before with getting a console.

Same here. I'm a PC gamer all the way, but it sucks for sports games. I want to play Madden and NHL again, and since EA are dicks and won't release PC versions ever again, I decided to get a PS4 just for that.