I am so incredibly sick of AMD drivers

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ATI is literally the worst with BC2. Google ATI Crash to Desktop. There are about two hundred programs you can't have running on your computer while you play BC2 or it hardlocks completely, among them pretty much every overclocking and system utility out there.

To this day, there are hundreds of poor schmucks out there who can't understand why they can't play BC2 for more than 10 minutes at a time without realizing it's because they installed MSI Afterburner, ATI Tool, etc.

I don't run extra stuff besides fraps when gaming. So I don't see what the issue is. It's also really easy to determine where the problem lies with some simple troubleshooting. Especially in that case.

Doesn't matter anyway because BC2 will be dead soon.
ATI is literally the worst with BC2. Google ATI Crash to Desktop. There are about two hundred programs you can't have running on your computer while you play BC2 or it hardlocks completely, among them pretty much every overclocking and system utility out there.

To this day, there are hundreds of poor schmucks out there who can't understand why they can't play BC2 for more than 10 minutes at a time without realizing it's because they installed MSI Afterburner, ATI Tool, etc.

To be fair, most of the bugs in Bad Company 2 are due to the game, not due to the graphics driver. AMD do need EA to meet them halfway with sorting these things out, and often they don't.
ATI is literally the worst with BC2. Google ATI Crash to Desktop. There are about two hundred programs you can't have running on your computer while you play BC2 or it hardlocks completely, among them pretty much every overclocking and system utility out there.

To this day, there are hundreds of poor schmucks out there who can't understand why they can't play BC2 for more than 10 minutes at a time without realizing it's because they installed MSI Afterburner, ATI Tool, etc.

I think that is more of a punkbuster/game issue than a AMD driver issue since afterburner can be used on Nvidia cards as well.:rolleyes:
ATI is literally the worst with BC2. Google ATI Crash to Desktop. There are about two hundred programs you can't have running on your computer while you play BC2 or it hardlocks completely, among them pretty much every overclocking and system utility out there.

To this day, there are hundreds of poor schmucks out there who can't understand why they can't play BC2 for more than 10 minutes at a time without realizing it's because they installed MSI Afterburner, ATI Tool, etc.

I use MSI Afterburner to OC and display GPU temps and utilization on my G15. I also run Fraps. I just played through the entire single player campaign over the last week and didn't crash once.
I think computerpro's post is a bit of an exaggeration, but to be fair, the BC2 single player is a different game engine to the multi, and does not behave in at all the same way.
Once you play BF 3 you will!!! Hope you enjoy the worst fucking browser based system ever.

So are you saying your browser causes problems for you in games? Or what is your point exactly? Remember, you are the one having issues with 3rd party programs, the rest of us are doing just fine :p
So are you saying your browser causes problems for you in games? Or what is your point exactly? Remember, you are the one having issues with 3rd party programs, the rest of us are doing just fine :p

No, I was taking the opportunity to bitch about Battlelog. The rest of you are not doing fine, google "ATI Afterburner Crash."

Me? I'm not having any issues at all - other than pulling 140FPS in Battlefield 3 all settings Ultra with my GTX 580 SLI setup :)
I don't use Afterburner, I thought it was crap personally. If it bugs out for you, maybe take up with them instead of AMD?
Once you play BF 3 you will!!! Hope you enjoy the worst fucking browser based system ever.

It's not the best but it's not terrible either. I kind of like being able to do other stuff while waiting for my game to load. It's not going to change so why bother bitching about it? If you want to try and be helpful you could post feedback on their forums.

And I have been playing the beta, and I was in the Alpha too. I'm not experiencing any crazy issues that haven't already been discussed.
Enjoy your new cards...I will be closing this thread now to avoid having anyone get themselves in trouble :D
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