I am looking for a digital audio editor


Limp Gawd
Jul 24, 2007
I was just wondering what the options were for a digital audio editor. I am trying to learn drums so I need to make drum loops from mp3's, loop them a bunch of times and then export that to mp3. I would need to be able to slow the tempo down with pitch shifting. Plug in support would be great.

Besides Audacity what are the alternatives, free or not? What are the best editors out there? Thanks in advance.
Been using SoundForge since it appeared a very very long time ago, never had a need for any other app since. There's SoundForge Pro (the big kahuna, $400+), and Sony introduced a "consumer" version called SoundForge Audio Studio for about $65+ depending on where you buy 'em. Very similar in nature, but there's a comparison chart here.

Highly recommended and worth every cent... I do most everything with this app from podcast editing/production to actual musical production for bumpers and other items.