Hydis LCDs other than Hercules 920 Pro?


Feb 7, 2004
I ordered the Hercules 920 Pro DVI about 5 weeks ago and there is still no sign as to when I will get it. I need a gaming LCD now.

Are there other Hydis 17" LCDs on the market that are not hard to get a hold of?
The Hyundai Q17 is the only other one that uses that panel, and are even more difficult to come by.
Thats not true the Acer AL1731 uses this panel as well. Its very good imo.
How are you able to tell that it does have a Hydis panel and not something else? I need to know what to look for..... from what I have read the Hydis panels are the best but are very hard to come by. I use my computer for a lot of gaming and Photoshop.

I need a 17" LCD that gosts very little to not at all. It also needs to have good color since I use Photoshop. Getting a CRT is not an option because I spend a lot of time in front of the computer and my eyes can't stand a CRT.
I have a Sony SDM-X73 , I have not seen any ghosting in games and the colors are perfect, The Far Cry demo looks and plays awesome. I even ran the Quake 3 time demo and noticed no problems what so ever 1280x1024 @202 fps , it's amazing how much more you see with an LCD vs a CRT. I have the monitor hooked up to DVI.

Newegg link
BOE HyDis was formerly known as Hyundai and the Q17 was the first monitor they brought to the market with that panel. If you search Tomshardware for you'll find a few articles that feature or make reference to that monitor.

It was pulled from the US market at the end of last year anyway, so don't worry about it.
Well if I can't get a Hydis panel, what does everyone recommend? Unfortunatly I won't be able to test the LCD that I end up buying. Where I live only the lower end LCDs are for sell so I will have to buy online.

I can't wait for the 12ms panels. Those won't be out till Q3/Q4 of 2004.