HTPC for a tiny house

Best of luck guy!

I've read the few posts from haters and from guys who have your back, and I'm one who has your back and would love to do this myself.

My suggestion is about the sound. Do you need 5.1? A great 2.0 system can do wonders... especially with your space!

Good Luck!
Killer idea man, while I could never handle something that small, the idea of having a simple, utilitarian home that is as self sufficient as possible is also a dream of mine, and one I hope to bring to fruition by my 30s (Im the same age as you)

And while you describe yourself as a lefty, Id say im a hardcore conservative. (though not a social conservative) My point being whether you are doing it purely for your love of Gaia and her little squirrels, or for economic aspects, there doesnt seem to be a reason not to be as self sufficient, and efficient as possible, anything just seems lazy imo. So best of luck to you sir, hopefully I will see you on the front page one day jiving to your hippie beats and telling all of those with loads of bills and debt to suck it!
You will need a large array of solar panels in order to run something large constantly (fridge + HTPC/stove, etc) because they produce a lot less then what they claim. Ever consider a laptop with USB stuff hooked up to it for more power savings? I mean a decent enough laptop to do some gaming off of.
Ummmm.... your crazy!

You don't know the proper usage of "your" vs "you're".

You will need a large array of solar panels in order to run something large constantly (fridge + HTPC/stove, etc) because they produce a lot less then what they claim. Ever consider a laptop with USB stuff hooked up to it for more power savings? I mean a decent enough laptop to do some gaming off of.

It's definitely an option I'm considering. Thing is that there's not a laptop out that will do what I want it to do, yet. I'm sure it'll exist within the next 3 years. I was thinking about relying on a single extension cord and a surge protector to power all of my electronics until I can afford a decent and efficient enough solar array that can power all of my electronics. That's pretty much what I'm doing right now, save for the fridge. When I'm done using my desktop for a while, I unplug the surge protector. I figure that solar panels can only get more efficient from here, maybe not more affordable, but I'm willing to wait it out and see. So I'm not a uber-hippie just yet, I still need my Battlefield to be happy, but I've thought about it and I won't be needing 5.1. A decent 2.1 setup should be plenty good, usually it's just me and my earbuds anyways, which I vastly prefer.

My point being whether you are doing it purely for your love of Gaia and her little squirrels, or for economic aspects, there doesnt seem to be a reason not to be as self sufficient, and efficient as possible, anything just seems lazy imo. So best of luck to you sir, hopefully I will see you on the front page one day jiving to your hippie beats and telling all of those with loads of bills and debt to suck it!

Thank you =)
So best of luck to you sir, hopefully I will see you on the front page one day jiving to your hippie beats and telling all of those with loads of bills and debt to suck it!

I think it's an awesome idea. But i bet to buy one of these cutesy homes, then to equip it with the proper off grid solar system... you probably will end up spending more than i did on my 2100 ft^2 home. Granted i got mine dirt cheap on auction.. but the deals are out there right now. I don't think money is a motivating factor here.
Plus, I planned on having 12 batteries to store all that solar energy, enough to last a few days overcast.

I find it ironic that to go off grid and have a lesser impact on the planet you have to use solar panels and batteries which are produced from massive amounts of chemicals and rare metals strip mined in china.