HP Wipes Hard Drive To Fix Broken Keyboard

[21CW]killerofall;1033449313 said:
They probably didn't wipe the hard drive bit sent in a new (or likely refurb) computer. They likely shipped the wrong one by mistake, unless you know for sure that it is the exact same laptop.

Nah it is pretty rare for a vendor to replace a computer like that. Chances are the tech saw something he/she didn't like and reloaded the machine. Could have been them not having a password, seeing some adware, machine took to long to start up etc. Doesn't take much for any of the big vendors to reload a system. Apple use to do it pretty much every time no matter what. Pretty standard thing for a vendor to do.
I remember this one girl in my Algebra 2/Trigonometry class in my 9th grade year who put one of the AAA batteries backwards in her TI-84 calculator and then ended up buying the TI-84 SE the next day. It was really funny when the math teacher came over to her and flipped the battery around and the thing worked perfectly... Fun times...

Gawd. Being in that class at that age is a privilege. How could someone who is good at math not figure out how to install batteries?
If you ever send a computer out to any place for warranty repair, you should really back your data up. I've never heard of any standard warranty covering backing the data up for you, and typically they will have a disclaimer saying they aren't responsible for lost data.

Back your stuff up and it won't be an issue. External hard drives are cheap.
//[T.0.P]//;1033449577 said:
Gawd. Being in that class at that age is a privilege. How could someone who is good at math not figure out how to install batteries?

She wasn't in 9th grade. She was one or two years older than me.
If you ever send a computer out to any place for warranty repair, you should really back your data up. I've never heard of any standard warranty covering backing the data up for you, and typically they will have a disclaimer saying they aren't responsible for lost data.

Back your stuff up and it won't be an issue. External hard drives are cheap.

Another big thing with this is that the guy should have had his data backed up. He would be in the same boat if the hd failed or if he had the notebook jacked.