HP Win7 stock computer won't boot past splash screen or enter BIOS


Dec 3, 2007

I have a Pavillion Elite HPE-270f in the office that refuses to boot past the HP splash screen and won't enter BIOS with either the F8 or F10 key. When the F10 key is pressed the computer responds by saying it's entering setup... but it never does.

Immediately before the reboot Adobe Acrobat was uninstalled and today's 3 Windows Updates were applied.

I can't enter boot order, either, to load off of a recovery disk.

Any suggestions?
Sometimes, all that it takes to solve a BIOS problem is a BIOS reset.

Then again, you could have cleared the CMOS by moving the CMOS jumper as per the user manual.
Ah, good old HP quality. Have been seeing a few HP desktops with the same issues lately. One I worked on today, which would boot before this happened, would not detect any SATA devices after clearing the CMOS. Add that to the fact that a BIOS update requires you to boot into Windows.. Why do their servers freaking rule, but their consumer lines suck ass :mad:
... Probably for the same reasons why a Dell is decent only when you don't spend an arm or a leg for one?