HP LP2475w (Possible new IPS)

Ouch magmax...

I'm currently debating whether or not to send this monitor off due to the 2 blotches of darker/tinted pixels... Yes I can put up with them, but when youre paying a decent amount of money why should you settle for a 2nd rate product.

Frustrating to say the least and i hope it works out for you sooner rather than later.
I ordered one of these, now I'm just waiting on Newegg to send it out.

I'm nervous about all these problems people report though, I hope I get lucky. I'm mostly using it for gaming, not anything professional, so I guess my biggest worry is the whole pink/green tint.
Is the pink/green tint very noticable in colorful games, or mostly just on white/black screens?
Mine has a slight pink tint on lower right and tbh only time I can spot it is if I really look for it on a white screen. It is not noticeable at all during general usage.
I ordered one of these, now I'm just waiting on Newegg to send it out.

I'm nervous about all these problems people report though, I hope I get lucky. I'm mostly using it for gaming, not anything professional, so I guess my biggest worry is the whole pink/green tint.
Is the pink/green tint very noticable in colorful games, or mostly just on white/black screens?

White or light color screens only from what I gather, which is probably a AG coating or polarizer issue.
No they are still IPS. Color-shifting is a wrong word. They are either talking about tints or color temperature balance between left and right parts of the screen would be more accurate, and this isnt a viewing angle related issue like color-shifting of *VA screens, but a fault of panel or backlighting itself.

Yeah...It's not so much a "shift" as a difference of hue (tone? I don't know my vocabulary very well) between the far left, center, and far right on the screen; noticed mostly at higher brightnesses.
I couldn't take it anymore. Going on almost a month without a 24" monitor so I just put in an order for this monitor at cost central.

Hopefully I receive a non defect one.
I got this monitor today, and it seems mostly perfect. The only issues it has is 1 green stuck pixel, and a few tiny 'dirt specks' here and there, but they aren't noticeable during normal use unless it's mostly a white background. Oh, and the PIP/POP button seems to be stuck out and it can't be used, but I never planned on using it so it's a non-issue for me. Overall a very good purchase. :)

The one thing I can't figure out is how to rotate it 90 degrees. I can't get the stand to raise up, and I don't get what this lever is on the back.
wonder why so many people are getting dead pixels and dirt specks from this monitor..
To move the stand you need to push it right down to the bottom and then whilst pushing press the button at the bottom of the stand, that will allow you to raise it right up, you will need it raised up to rotate it, it rotates quite freely in a clockwise direction although doesn't quite click into place like other monitors do.

The intstuctions could have been clearer IMO.
Think I'm going to pull the trigger on this and buy one. Is bing cashback (5%?) @ msrp the best deal right now - totaling about $520?
Got my monitor this morning. Only had about 5 mins to set it up and look through it real quick. First impression, it was pretty light compared to other monitors I had. Felt kind of cheap. So far no dead pixels that I can see. Only problem I found is the right side of the screen has this brownish/redish tint to it. Doesn't bother me too much but on white backgrounds, it's very noticeable.
Got my monitor this morning. Only had about 5 mins to set it up and look through it real quick. First impression, it was pretty light compared to other monitors I had. Felt kind of cheap. So far no dead pixels that I can see. Only problem I found is the right side of the screen has this brownish/redish tint to it. Doesn't bother me too much but on white backgrounds, it's very noticeable.

Did you ask for a replacement? It's pretty easy.
Did you ask for a replacement? It's pretty easy.

I'm pretty happy with the monitor. After messing with the brightness and color settings, it helped out a lot with the right side having the darker tint. Either that or the monitor had time to warm up a little. Either way, it doesn't look bad anymore. It's barely noticeable unless you really really look at it on a white screen.
got this monitor myself back in jan its amazing monitor !_!
unfortunately i might have to part with mine shortly =/
Just ordered mine, hopefully here within a week.

I'll post my firmware/hardware revision as soon as it comes.

Going to calibrate it with a eye-one display2
would you guys recommend this monitor over the Dell U2410? I want a monitor that has good colors, I will be using it for compositing, visual effects, texturing, graphic design and gaming.
They are about the same I would guess. Get which ever you can get the best deal on from a reputable retailer with a good return policy.
would you guys recommend this monitor over the Dell U2410?

I bought the Dell U2410f over the HP because I was extremely happy w/ my Dell 20" # 2001FP which I had for about 3-4 years...
So I was just curious, with the latest revision, is there any noticeable ghosting? I remember reading a review a while back that mentioned a little inverse ghosting, anything on that?
if I buy this monitor directly from HP am I guaranteed to get the latest revision and firmware as opposed to buying it from Amazon or some other retailer?

i have laptop with a graphic card NVIDIA Quadro NVS 140M 128 mo
i want to work on some pictures on a bigger screen using photoshop / lightroom.
the 2475 monitor will be used as my primary one but i only have a VGA output on my laptop.
I wonder if the display result will be good (text as well as image) using my VGA output to the adaptator VGA/DVI -> DVI-1 plug of the monitor.

i need to know if my video card can handle a good display on such a big screen with the image processing software running at the same time (photoshop.lightroom)


i have laptop with a graphic card NVIDIA Quadro NVS 140M 128 mo
i want to work on some pictures on a bigger screen using photoshop / lightroom.
the 2475 monitor will be used as my primary one but i only have a VGA output on my laptop.
I wonder if the display result will be good (text as well as image) using my VGA output to the adaptator VGA/DVI -> DVI-1 plug of the monitor.

i need to know if my video card can handle a good display on such a big screen with the image processing software running at the same time (photoshop.lightroom)


if you are serious about graphics work, get a desktop or laptop with a DVI output.
Does anyone have any disappointments about the black level of the LP2475w? I compared both 2408wfp and LP2475w while gaming and the 2408wfp was noticeably deeper in blacks.
Does anyone have any disappointments about the black level of the LP2475w? I compared both 2408wfp and LP2475w while gaming and the 2408wfp was noticeably deeper in blacks.

What are your brightness and contrast settings on the two monitors? The LP2475w at around 10 brightness and 65 contrast (near 120cd/m2) should be about the same (.17 cd/m2). Unless you are talking about the glow associated with the IPS matrice where the corners have a distinctive white haze on a black screen that is larger the closer you are to the unit.
Got my monitor yesterday... seems good so far, no dead pixels... Colors seem good as far as the Pink --> Green bit goes... but then it's always hard for me to tell. Just wondering, people talk about using the TFT Central calibration profile, where can it be found? I looked on the site to no avail.

I have purchased this monitor exactly one month ago. It appears to be produced in Poland, GIG076, REV153, August 2009.

'Pink&green' tinting issue is still apparent, truth be told, far less visible than in some of the examples posted here. Although I was bothered at first, it's a non-issue for me nowadays. It really barely visible...

I have a question though - I remember reading somewhere that there is a chance that this color tinting thing will disappear in time. Can someone confirm this to be true?

I'm thinking of buying this but there are a few things I'm worried about

I want to use it mainly for games. I picked this monitor because 16:10, good viewing angles, low input lag

1. Input lag. I read a review when it originaly came out, and it said it had fairly high input lag. But I've heard that there has been many revisions since then, and input lag is very low? What revision/firmware should I be asking for?

2. Colours. I've heard the colours aren't very good without being configured with a costly colour gadget. I've also heard that installing someone elses colour profile doesn't work. Is there any way to cheaply improve the colours?

3. Oversaturation.... Any way to fix this?
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Changing mine as the white in one corner was just too much. About a hands worth of grey.
Other than that, just lovely, couldn't have managed with a TN panel, off angle is bad enough with this panel.
Came from a 21" trinitron. It died, hence the change.
ATI, and now also Nvidia drivers can both compensate for oversaturation.

Applying the TFT Central calibration to my unit helped GREATLY with the ridiculous eye-blinding reds.

On another note... first unit I got.. the color shift was a bit meh, had it replaced. New panel is MUCH better in that regards, but there's a single solitary dead pixel in the upper right hand quadrant, maybe 1" from the bezel. 8'( Think I'm going to try my luck again.
Just ordered the LP2475w to replace my 24" Gateway FHD2400 TN panel which I've had for years. Although the Gateway is a sharp monitor with good color and features, I have been vastly annoyed for years now by the viewing angle issues and massive backlight bleed all around the edges.

I think Torchlight was the last straw with this monitor. I load it up and on the title screen I see a very dark area above my character's head, looking empty. So I raise my head a little bit and all of a sudden that area of the screen brightens and there is tons of detail there. I sit back down, and darkness. I already sit pretty much dead center on the monitor, and I'm tired of BS like this. I'm hoping the new H-IPS panel will finally turn me into a PC gamer again. I think this aggravating TN panel is a big reason why I'm almost console exclusive now. I'm not good enough at FPS games for an extra 15ms lag to matter. :D

Ordered from Buy.com which seemed to be the only place I could order from with no restocking fee, no shipping, and no sales tax. Praying for no dead pixels or bad backlight bleeding.
Skakruk said:
ATI, and now also Nvidia drivers can both compensate for oversaturation.
But isn't it only the reds that are oversaturated in this lcd? So if you use the drivers to remove 10% saturation, doesn't that mean ALL colours are 10% less saturated, so there would still be a big difference between red vs other colurs?

Which means that red will now be normal, but all the other colours under-saturated?

TotalLamer said:
Applying the TFT Central calibration to my unit helped GREATLY with the ridiculous eye-blinding reds.
This doesn't help in games though right?
All colours are oversaturated on this monitor - It's just that red is the first thing people tend to notice, followed by green.

You're right though; things still wont look perfect, but it's the best you can do.

I think he's talking about the RGB settings on the monitor itself.

I DON'T THINK ANYONE SHOULD BUY THIS MONITOR though. After fucking up 1080p in the second or third firmware release, they have yet to rectify it in the latest GIG076 release, which makes me think they will probably never fix it.

And it still doesn't display any Component signals correctly other than 1080i and 720p.

Buy the Dell version of this monitor.

What's wrong with 1080p? I watched my Blu-Ray copy of The Truman Show on this monitor and it looked great.
K thanks for the explanation.

I'd be using it only on a pc at native res, so the above problems wouldnt affect me
I think the blacks on this monitor are awful.

Example of what a 1:1 pixel mapped image should look like:


What 1:1 pixel mapped 1080p looks like:


Letters are all blotchy.

What wre you using to play BluRay, and what firmware is your monitor running?

PLaying Blu-Ray on my LG Blu-Ray R/W drive. As for firmware, I have no idea. Not sure how to tell either.
Just set my monitor for 1920x1080 in Windows... everything looked fine. E-mailing myself a pic of it now, I'll post it when it comes in.