HP LP2065 vs Dell 2007fp


Oct 18, 2008
I'm in the market for a good monitor for photo editing. I'd love an IPS panel, but having trouble finding one in my budget. The only two I can seem to find in my budget are the Dell 2007fp and the HP LP2065. I've read that they use the same panel, so it comes down to a matter of choice between brands. Is this true? flatpanels.dk lists different panels (though they differ by only one digit): Dell with LG.Philips LM201U04 and HP with LG.Philips LM201U05. Of course this assumes you win the lottery and actually get the IPS panel...

So, are there any reasons to go with the Dell vs the HP? I'm leaning toward Dell because of some absolutely horrible customer service that I received from HP in the past. But if anyone here has any other input, I'd like to hear about it.

Also, if anyone knows of any other IPS panels in the <$500 range, I'd be interested in hearing about them.


I couldn't find any differences either so I choose the 2007FP due to better price and much, much better design (but that is personal).

I actually have two of them :D
Did you buy them through Dell or somewhere else? And I assume you got the IPS panel in them?

The best price I found for the HP is $399 delivered from Amazon. Best I've found for the Dell was $399 + delivery and tax. But, I personally hate HP due to the lack of customer service...

Huh, that's odd. I had amazing customer service with HP just these past couple months.
I got a laptop with a broken screen and I sent it back and it took a little longer so they upgraded me and my LP3065 started to freak out and they replaced it in 4 days.

I'd go with the Dell just because it looks a million times better IMO.
Did you buy them through Dell or somewhere else? And I assume you got the IPS panel in them?

The best price I found for the HP is $399 delivered from Amazon. Best I've found for the Dell was $399 + delivery and tax. But, I personally hate HP due to the lack of customer service...


I don't live in the USA, but in Europe. The first one I bought off eBay from someone in the US. Offcourse I made sure it was a IPS before bidding.

The second one was from Qsix (www.qsix.eu), a Dell reseller (also sells on eBay). And again I made sure it would be a IPS model.

At Dell directly you don't know what you get. Also, in my case I paid €365 for the first and €390 for the second while they were €500 at Dell here.
I'm in the market for a good monitor for photo editing. I'd love an IPS panel, but having trouble finding one in my budget. The only two I can seem to find in my budget are the Dell 2007fp and the HP LP2065. I've read that they use the same panel, so it comes down to a matter of choice between brands. Is this true? flatpanels.dk lists different panels (though they differ by only one digit): Dell with LG.Philips LM201U04 and HP with LG.Philips LM201U05. Of course this assumes you win the lottery and actually get the IPS panel...

flatpanels.dk is incorrect. The 2001FP uses the LM201U04 panel, but the 2007FP uses the same LM201U05 panel that the HP does. I've tried (and returned) the IPS versions of the LP2065 and 2007WFP, and going by my experience with the Dell I would somewhat hesitantly recommend the 2007FP over the LP2065 if you're going to buy either. They're both decent monitors, but they do have some problems.

The LP2065 has a moderate amount of input lag (around 33-40ms), whereas the 2007WFP (and almost certainly the FP too) has almost zero. The LP2065's stand is extremely heavy and large for an LCD, and it is a bit of an eyesore as others have pointed out. Both monitors have a very "sparkly" anti-glare coating that looks a bit like a permanent layer of dust on the screen.

The LP2065 and 2007WFP both have some sort of backlight modulation issue that causes certain colors (particularly grays) to flicker at lower brightnesses. There's a pretty long thread about the issue on the Dell community forums that you should be able to find through Google. It may vary from unit to unit, but my 2007WFP was so bad that I could actually see a rolling wave going up the screen when solid grays were displayed at zero brightness. The HP wasn't nearly as bad, but the issue was still there.

A friend of mine ordered two 2007FPs from Qsix just as jcvjcvjcvjcv did, and he swears that the flickering issue isn't present on either one. I don't know if I'm simply more sensitive to it than he is or only the 2007WFP has the problem, but it's something to keep in mind if you're going to go with the Dell.

jcvjcvjcvjcv: just out of curiosity, do you see anything like what I described on my 2007WFP on your 2007FPs?
You can get refurbished 2007FPs on ebay for about $250. I'm getting 2 in on Tuesday, so I'll post again to let you know how they are.
Thanks for all the info, guys.

Uberbob, glad to hear you had good service from HP. My problems were about 5 years ago with a desktop computer I bought that had display issues. Long story...

Tosan, thanks for confirming that flatpanels.dk has them listed incorrectly. Also, good info on the monitors. I'll take that into consideration. At this point, I really want an IPS panel, but can't really afford any others so I am unfortunately stuck with only these two options. I have read about the antiglare coating on these, and am a little worried about it. But as far as I've read, most people seem to say they get used to it pretty quick and then don't notice. I think I am leaning toward the 2007FP, unless I can find another option.

You can get refurbished 2007FPs on ebay for about $250. I'm getting 2 in on Tuesday, so I'll post again to let you know how they are.

Looking forward to hearing what you have to say about the transaction and the monitors. By the way, who did you buy them from?
I purchased the monitors from thecomputerspecialist. It doesn't look like he has any more up right now, but if he gets them back I would suggest that you purchase from him. He does have some new ones up for ~$285 shipped though, so that might not be a bad option. It might actually be a better deal if you don't have the cables, as the refurbs don't come with anything.

Shipping from the seller was pretty darn good - I paid for the monitors on Thursday and received them Tuesday from FedEx Ground.

The monitors that I ordered were refurbs, but as far as I can tell they weren't used. They have absolutely no cosmetic blemishes whatsoever. The panels on both of them are perfect as well - no dead pixels, no backlight bleeding. I'm extremely satisfied.

I'd also like to point out that I was actually able to request IPS monitors from the seller - I just told him I was looking for panels with SN numbers ending in "L," and he was happy to oblige. Based on his response when I asked him, it sounded like he may have PVAs as well. But mine are definately IPS.

The only issue with the 2007FP in my opinion is the "sparkle effect," which is most noticeable on white and other solid, light colors. It's not too bad, but if it's something that bother you, you're probably not going to want to deal with it. My laptop has the effect as well, except it's considerably worse, so I'm fairly used to it.

Here is a picture of my attempt to show the effect. The camera doesn't pick it up very well because you'll see the lines between the pixels, which aren't very visible at all normally. If you look in the bottom area, you can might some colors mixed into the white, which is the effect. I don't feel that the camera gives you a terribly good feel for it, but at least you should be able to get an idea of what I'm talking about.
Thanks for the update. I'll look into buying from him. I'm glad to hear you were able to request an IPS panel. That wold definitely make me feel better about ordering from him

I am a little concerned about the "sparkle effect." But at least most of the people that I've seen comment about it say they get used to it quickly, and then don't really even notice it much after that. I guess that's what I'm hoping for too.