How's XP with Core2Duo and 8800?


Limp Gawd
Jan 19, 2004
How's XP working with C2D and 8800 series? Am I pretty much obligated to upgrade to Vista for the new generation hardware to work at its full potential?
No. Not yet at least. There is nothing to my knowledge that only maxes out your equipment in Vista and not XP. The only exception being DirectX 10 games. And there aren't that many of them yet.
direct X 10 is vista only.

The new hardware is built to direct x 10 spec, and that still makes it the fastest hardware available for direct X 9 too.
there is a direct x 10 port for xp :D though its ment to be not that good, google it :D.
there is a direct x 10 port for xp :D though its ment to be not that good, google it :D.

Eh.. it's lead by a 19yr old as the main programmer... and they also intent to port it to OS X and other OS...

Don't hold your breath for this one folks...
Eh.. it's lead by a 19yr old as the main programmer... and they also intent to port it to OS X and other OS...

Don't hold your breath for this one folks...

What's age got to do with anything? some of the Gentoo dev's are less then 18
What's age got to do with anything? some of the Gentoo dev's are less then 18

The project is not well backed, and it just makes me think of the kids in high school who said they made their own video game based on the hl engine and some random bullshit that wasn't true...

Age is just kind of a deterrent for me of professional quality products/service... get where I'm coming from?

I mean... I'm 19... but not every 19 year-old is like me but whatever...