How toactually REMOVE pagefile.sys in Vista?

Jun 6, 2005
I have a 2nd drive that I put the pagefile on, seperate drive, seperate controller, and I want to delete pagefile.sys off my C: drive (short stroked velociraptor raid 0) because between the pagefile and hyberfil file they were sucking down 16GB of prime speed real estate.

But the system won't let me get rid of the pagefile.sys file, even with the system set for "no page file" on C: in the control panel.

So does anyone know how to actually REMOVE this file from C:?
Do it in safe mode?

Otherwise, make it not matter by re-enabling the pagefile on C:, manually making it as small as you can without making it zero, then disable it again.
Take ownership of the file under right click properties -> Security tab -> advanced -> Owner tab ->

If that doesn't work, download Unlocker and simply unlock it and delete.
Should be sufficient to just remove the hidden, system and read-only attributes and delete it.
in elevated cmd.exe:
attrib -r -h -s pagefile.sys
del pagefile.sys
The easiest is use Gipo Utilities "move on boot" program. Works every time for me, easiest and works .
Thanks for all the help. Was really weird, I didn't realize vista windows update doesn't install the SP1 and SP2, so I was at SP0 level. So I was seeing a bug fixed long ago for everyone else :eek::rolleyes::cool:

So after SP2, I just deleted it.

Oooo, so much more space on C: now. Maybe I should have not-short stroked so much, thought 80G would be enough for C:.

Nice having 250GB/sec reads and 5.3ms access times!!!!

SSD's will get cheaper eventually.