How to unlock Phenom II X2 550 Black


Jul 21, 2004
I have an asus M3A78 Pro MB with the latest Bios. it's set to 3.910 mhz now stable as it passed orthos and other benches overnight. How can I unlock more cores?
Not sure if that chipset supports ACC, but you need ACC functionality to unlock the cores. Make sure you have the newest BIOS, and there should be an ACC option in your BIOS. Set it to AUTO, and EC Firmware to HYBRID if its available. That should generally do the trick.
You have SB700. No ACC on that board. You need SB710 or SB750.
I'll have to aim for more clock speed then, I got the board a number of months as this was a processor upgrade only change. Either way I"m happy with my results so far, it passed 12 hours of orthos 3.910 ghz while temps only maxed out at 45-46
what stepping do you have? some steppings like 0921/0922 have a big success unlocking. If you have a lucky one could be worthy to upgrade your mobo.
wowza - 3.9 on air? Or are you water cooling? I'm looking forward to a Phenom X2 getting delivered by UPS hopefully on Thursday (assuming Newegg ships today) and even if it doesn't unlock, that's more than a full 1GHz + any architectural improvements and cache size improvements over a Brisbane I have at 2.8. That alone should be worth it.