How to Uninstall Intel INF drivers?


Limp Gawd
Aug 31, 2009
I install the Intel INF drivers and I am using an Intel 80gb ssd G2 I just red that if you install those drivers TRIM won't work.

I would like to know how to uninstallthem since I reinstalled windows last week and I don't want to do it again.

Just go into Device Manager and choose the MS drivers for your controller.
Yeah, either use the Roll Back option within Device Manager or just go in and change it over manually, not a big deal.
thanks, I went to device mananger click onto of the ssd and when I saw the drivers it says Microsoft. :confused:
You want to check the disk controller, not the disk itself.

But now that I think about it, the "INF driver" is usually just the base chipset drivers. The ones that would've gotten installed for the controller are the Matrix Storage Manager or Rapid Storage Technology, which I think you usually have to download separately. You actually might still be running the default MS drivers.
That's right. Just look for your controller, under IDE ATAPI controllers or w/e... If it just says Microsoft or has a plain listing then you haven't installed the MSM drivers from Intel and you're in the clear, or just download CrystalDiskInfo. It'll tell you whether TRIM is truly enabled or not (under "Supported Features").