How to test potentially bad ram?


Sep 4, 2009
I just started to have problems with BSOD when running my backups and when I did video editing (both memory intensive). The BSOD error said something about memory, so I did a Memtest. I ran it for several hours and it showed hundreds of thousands of errors. Since I have 8 sticks, what is the best way to test these? Should I run Memtest with only one stick, and for how long? If I were clever, I could devise a test plan where I start with 4 sticks, and if all were good, I could reduce my testing time. Any suggestions of how to do the testing - also, how long for each test?
If you have this many errors you can try 1 pass on each stick first to see if you see any errors.

If I were clever, I could devise a test plan where I start with 4 sticks, and if all were good, I could reduce my testing time.
That could be very helpful.

Are you overclocking your memory controller (using ram over DDR3 1600)?
I have overclocked my system, but have not done anything with the memory settings. My memory is G.Skill F3-12800CL9 which is made up of 8 sticks of 4GB at DDR3 1600.