How to tell fake websites?


Jul 15, 2011
Sorry if this is OT guys, but I've been running into a lot of websites and I can't always determine if they are scams or not. Like

When you can't find any reviews or ratings is that a sure clear sign its a fake website? If you pay with paypal/card are you protected ?

I am completely confused on what to think, when there are no good or bad reviews or testimonials anywhere after 30m of googling that was conclusive.

Thanks for reading guys.
Another option is to look at the product vendor's website, and see what companies they list as resellers. Basically see who the vendor has whitelisted as legitimate.
There's an extension called web of trust which tells you what other users thought, but it's not fully accurate (abused in both directions). However if you want something easy and simple it's probably your best option.

what store is this supposed to be?
AudioGoShop or Walldryers? and both timeout.
Also notice the "About Us" link is broke.

According to ScamAdviser, which I have no clue how trustworthy they are, shows the domain registered in China but hosted in the US for both and

But, the tiny screenshot they (ScamAdviser) have of AudioGoShop looks much different than the link you provided, which is supposed to be for

The link you provided, looks much more like screenshot (on ScamAdviser), not to mention the page has the Walldryers logo.
When in doubt I usually skip. Having your identity stolen is not worth saving a few bucks.

Its entirely possibly they are 100% legit... I'd just prefer to let someone else find out for sure. You are welcome to be that person for me ;)

Sounds totally legit. I would order from Our store. :p
"Our brand name was originated from imitating the gurgling voice people utter when enjoy something happy."

Creeeeepy. And that's even before you learn the company name is Hohotrade. Third google suggestion for Hohotrade is "hohotrade com legit" and the results aren't pretty.
One method of determining if the site is legit or not is look for phone number and address information. If you can't find anything for those then it is probably not legit. If they list a phone number, call it and see if you get a person. I doubt many scam sites are going to have a person sitting on the other end of the line answering the phones. You can ask them simple questions like where are you located or ask about some product info. If they are a legit place they should have answers.
This doesn't directly answer your question, but any time I'm looking to buy from an e-tailer that I'm unsure of, I use a virtual credit card number with a hard cap just slightly above the price of the item I'm buying (including tax, shipping and so forth). Your card issuer will still protect you against fraud, but setting a limit to the extent of the damage these people can do is a good coverage point as well.

That is fake.. MBAM gave me a warning and blocked something from it.

That is the same layout etc as this other fake store that someone posted up on another forum.

Don't buy direct from china, unless the website does have a large amount of positive feedback. I did get my bluetooth from china for $30, it is $120 at the store here, and it was legit.