how to send console message to all systems on a network?


Supreme [H]ardness
Aug 18, 2004
got this as a question in my networking class.... i tried computer management, action, all tasks... i dont have the send to all option... that i keep on hearing about on google...

can i do it with net send somehow?
you can use netsend to send a blanket message, but a log of networks disable it now.
i just need an example of it working... doesnt actually HAVE to work.
Dunno about yours but in my uni if you slip up on the address and netsend the entire local net you get your account suspended for a week.
SP2 by default disables the Messenger service.
Without this service running, a computer will not display a received net send.

but, you would use the "net send" command from a command prompt.
Use a domain group policy editor on the domain server to enable message service on domain computers, then you'll be able to netsend at will.

Or you can shell out a few bucks and use this which allows you to send netsend messages using domain names or workgroup names.