How to precache Doom3 timedemo (to prevent needing to run timedemo twice)


Limp Gawd
Aug 6, 2004
Sorry if this has been posted here already. I did a quick search and couldn't find it.

On beyond3d I read a post in the giant Humus thread pertaining to the timedemo. Apparently you can precache the demo using the "usecache" command at the end of the timedemo command:

timedemo demo1.demo usecache

This is supposed to eliminate the need to run the timedemo twice.

I'm at work now so I haven't it tried this for myself.

Works like a charm. It says loading like normal, then it says precaching. Theres no slowdown during the demo.
Just Ran D3 with humus's tweak and with CP AF instead of ingame AF (Which is the only thing I have used before). Demo barely runs faster but the game looks much better. The one thing that always annoyed me was the way floors looked in the distance, especially with the flashlight on and the CP AF fixed that right up, and Humus's tweak fixed up the slow FPS with CP AF enabled. Awesome!
Let me one-up you on this.

timedemo demo1 1

That also precaches. 1 is a lot quicker to type than "usecache"
