how to make computer as loud as possible...


Apr 1, 2006
i know this mite seem a bit weird but i have an old pc lieing around, which is already at elast 50 db, i dont need it for anything and i was wondering HOW to make it as loud as possible just for fun without spending any money.

1, the first idea i have is to stick a little piece of plastic in the cpu heatsink fan so it hits the blades passing by lol....

ANy more ideas!!???

:D :D :D :D

i will probably throw it out after this becus its like a p2 500mhz and it just sitting in basement collecting dust but i want to have sum fun with it lol
I think it would be great to spend a little money on this. Build a computer that sounds like a jet when you turn it on. Just put on your headphones before hitting the power button. Everyone will look at you strange till they can't even hear themselves think.
Qtip42 said:
Build a computer that sounds like a jet when you turn it on

:D :D :D

umm i am wondering if ther is a way to like volt mod the already super load cpu fan to run at like 10000rpm LOL
just put it up for sale in the folding section for like $20 plus shipping. Its not worth fucking with to you and somebody will take it and use it to burn power in their folding farm.
But thats just my opinion.
make all your fans loose (make it so they barely hang on to stuff).

For a while my CPU fan wouldnt dig into my heatsink (fixed now), and it was so loose it would vibrate and shake on the heatsink creatign this horribly annoying (and audible) noise. Sounds just like what you're looking for . =P
"Put a baby in it" LOL

I'm thinking adding in a turbine fan... one of the huge ones they use for powering blast furnaces!
put 8 fans in there, get a fan controller and put em to maximum?
RailGunRiz said:
put 8 fans in there, get a fan controller and put em to maximum?

They run maximum (12v) when you dont have a controller on it, so what would be the point of putting a controller on them?
Afrotechmods actually has a guide on their site that shows you how to overvolt a fan to 17 or 24V.

Or you can make a case entirely out of Delta 70K RPM fans.
I'm all for the folding...don't let a computer go to waste. Hell, if ou're going to throw it out, send it to me. I know I could definately use it for some points. :D

Zamboni said:
Drilling holes in the blades is more musical.
Thats a good one, but if you realy want to hear something you need to take the trailing edge of each fan blade and bend them to a 90 degree angle.

THAT will realy make things loud O_O
atom said:
take a apart a hair blower and use it as a fan

That is good, but I was going to suggest something more along the lines of a leave blower :D Talk about the ultimate cooling solution!!!
As strange as this may sound, I am about to build a completely new computer from scratch, and I'm worried my new system will be too quiet. I keep my computer on 24/7 and it has always been in my bedroom, so I have spent the last 10-12 years with a nice little hum from the fan noise to lull me to sleep. It has gotten to the point that I cannot fall asleep when I'm staying at someone else's house or when I'm at a hotel (I have to find a portable fan or turn on the fan of the HVAC in order to fall asleep).

I'm not sure I'll ever be able to fall asleep again in a silent environment...
RadCliffeX said:
The tornados are loud too btw. I had one on my shuttle once....didnt take me long to buy a few Stealth fans :D
In a shuttle? :eek: I would be afraid of the "Hovercraft effect" with a tornado in one of those.
Um.. I recommend that you go to your local computer store and buy every thermaltake product that says "Silent" on it :)

you should easily be able to make that jet engine sound your looking for with a bit of support from Tt Boy.
So far, we need:

120x79 Deltas
Knock off one blade or two, to unbalance it
Drill holes in some of the blades
A piece of plastic hitting the blades
Stacked, with another delta pushing the other way, for greater noise.

Make a case out of them. Might be [H]ARD, with 158mm thick walls.
thisisglen said:
Um.. I recommend that you go to your local computer store and buy every thermaltake product that says "Silent" on it :)

you should easily be able to make that jet engine sound your looking for with a bit of support from Tt Boy.
QFT. Anything ThermalTake has ever made is loud as shit.
Those large box fans that poeple use for home use are pretty loud on maximum. Usually these fans are the size of a whole ATX case side.

Add some squirrel cages and some deltas, and you've got a screamer on your hands. Some old HDD's ran very loud as well.

You could put a HDD in that you won't use for data storage, just let it spin. Just take the top cover off and then slightly loosen the stack of platters so that they will wobble and gyrate when spinning.

To be much louder, and much more crazy, put a weed-eater engine on that box fan. Now you just have to get rid of the 2-stroke exhause being spewed into you house :p
UPDATE: ok i did what jinxy boi recommended and i loosened the cpu fan and HOLY it is buzzing so loud lol, i then took the back case fan off and i cut 1 fan blad off i belevie it is an 80mm fan but now it is hitting the sidewall of the fan thing and buzzing, i took the cd rom faceplate off. and now i can barely talk over the sound this thing makes, i can hear it frm my basement 2 floors down LOL!!!!!!

next upgrade will be the baby.... :D

ps: i am not worried about anyhting overheating because the side of the case is open and the processor can prolly run without a fan anyway, and the ppl who r telling me to use it as a folding rig, beleive me i've tried but this thing takes more than 3 months for ONE WU. When i'm done having fun i will either throw it out or replace all the loud stuff with quiet stuff and give it to my bro for like word processor cus he uses my comp all the time....