How to limit Users Activity in Windows 7 ?


Aug 6, 2000
Guys so I have s Windows 7 Pro system here at home and my family uses the damn computer and today I realized they erased all my pictures.

So I created an account for them and I want to limit what they can do. Mainly I dont want them to be able to delete anything. How can I do it ??
Make sure their account is 'standard user' not 'admin user' - then they shouldn't be able to write/delete a single thing not in their user account. Verify this by right clicking your file(s) and selecting properties->security then make sure they are not listed in the box, if they are remove them. That should be all it takes, but you can mess around with permissions to do some more detailed things, including checking what permissions a user has on the file(s) (advanced->effective permissions.) Also make sure all your admin accounts have good enough passwords.
The standard user route is the easiest option, truly... If they muck up anything in their profile, it's simply a delete and re-create of that profile. They can't touch anything system-level (settings, programs, etc) and they can't touch other user accounts (your photos).