How to increase brightness on Media Player Classic Ver. 6.xx

Happy Hopping

Supreme [H]ardness
Jul 1, 2004
I am comparing 2 very same WMV file. 1 is running via Nero Player, the other via Media Player Classic. The one from Media Player Classic is quite a bit darker. I go thru the menu, I can't find an option to increase the brightness? Can any1 help?
You'd end up increasing the Overlay brightness in your video card driver controls, not in MPC. Not sure why you'd have excellent results in Nero and not so excellent results with MPC unless the Nero software is overriding the system default setting for the Overlay video controls.

You're saying "2 very same" videos so, does that mean the same file played in both at the same time, or literally two different files (same content)? If that's the case, perhaps one simply has different brightness because it was encoded that way originally, I'm not sure but it's something to check on.
they are 2 identical file running on 2 different hard drive, I copy 1 to another hard drive

I should test it further w/ a few more wmv player and see what happens. I can compare Windows Media player vs. Media Classic side by side
Just test it w/ windows Media player. The dark level is about the same compares to media player classic. And using Nero 7 view the same file, it's much brighter.