How to hide system tray from terminal service users


Oct 20, 2006
I have a database application which was made by satan himself and passed on to hitler who then convinced my organization to use it. it was done in foxpro and if more than one person on the network uses it at a time, it is slow beyond the definition of slow


if you run it via terminal services from the server, it runs quite fast, so rather than pay 100000s of dollars for citrix (we are a non profit shelter) i use TS

i have the OU for the TS users locked down pretty good, the server is also the domain controller and antivirus update server (kaspersky) and a WSUS server

its busy, but its a decently robust server. ANYWAY sorry to ramble..

the system tray displays the antivirus icon, the sql service manager, and a few more random icons

is there a way through group policy that i can hide these icons, or maybe even the entire system tray?

thanks in advanced
my hardware is kinda limited... and i know that its a terrible idea to have remote access to the DC, but the only users who can remote in are really limited and an even the administrator cant.

but do you have any suggestions? or should i create another thread.

i was considering using VM on the DC and having the VM do the TS

thanks for the advice
Regular users working on a DC is a big no-no..

Unless your server can't handle the load I would run the TS in a VM if only to keep users off of the DC.

wow TS should NEVER be on the DC I think Microsoft should simply block the ability to do it