How to get Vista to unblock Rivatuner auto-start up sequence?

The solution to make the security dialogs go away (disabling UAC) will also fix this. See the other thread you posed. And please, next time just edit your old post if it's a similar question rather than making more threads.
Two separate questions.

You can get Rivatuner to start without triggering UAC by following the directions here:

Disabling UAC has been likened to "The Devil's Work:" I'm not quite sure I would go that far, I figure it's your system do what you want. Once you learn how UAC works, it drops to be far far less of an issue than when you first set up your system.

Anyway, if you really want to kill it rather than learn how your system works, the driections are in your other thread.
Two separate questions.

You can get Rivatuner to start without triggering UAC by following the directions here:

Disabling UAC has been likened to "The Devil's Work:" I'm not quite sure I would go that far, I figure it's your system do what you want. Once you learn how UAC works, it drops to be far far less of an issue than when you first set up your system.

Anyway, if you really want to kill it rather than learn how your system works, the driections are in your other thread.

What is UAC? If I turn it off would it give me no Virus and spyware protection at all?
What is UAC? If I turn it off would it give me no Virus and spyware protection at all?

No. UAC stops applications from performing certain kernel level operations without your approval.

RivaTuner can be configured to run at startup by creating a scheduled task that runs "at logon" for all users. Then, when you login, it runs. Just give it Administrative privileges and you're good to go.

This solution was already linked earlier in this thread.