How to do this in CSS...

Jun 19, 2005
I'm making a mini version of facebook and I would like to know how to achieve these tabs using CSS:


I've been having a hell of a time getting these divs to cooperate with eachother. The "Stayin' Frosty" image rests on top of the main panel div as you can see, which is surrounded by a parent container div. Fine. Then I did some css for the tabs and through some really frustrating trial and error I figured out that the only way they seemed to work properly was by setting display to "inline-block." However that yields tabs that look fine in Firefox (spaced out by about 2 pixels each) but tabs that are directly touching eachother in IE.

I just want tabs that look consistent in both Firefox and IE, and have nice curved edges. It seems impossible and I'm going out of my mind. If any of you have a simple and elegant solution, please share, because I wanna cry at the moment. This should be simple, no?
have you tried floating them inside of a div that takes up the same area that all the tabs should (and clearing that float afterwards)?