How to configure Windows 7 to search by file type?


Sep 15, 2011
I have a total of 9 hard drives and I want to search for my music collection across all drives, so on the Computer screen in the Search Computer text field in the upper right, I'd like to be able to search for a few file types that are most commonly used for music (.mp3, .mp4, .aac etc).

I only see Add a Search Filter Date Modified: Size: as search options. Is there a way I can get Windows to search all my drives for only a few certain file types?
The file types you listed are automatically indexed if the drives are included in the indexing locations. To add the new drives:

  1. Type in Indexing Options into Start search
  2. Click Modify
  3. Find the hard drive with music, then drill to the folders that contain music and check the folder. -Click OK (I don't suggest indexing the entire drive).
  4. Click Advanced
  5. Click Rebuild (optional, but will force immediate indexing rather than having to wait).
*.mp3 OR *.mp4 OR *.aac OR *.etc
