how to clean a sticky mouse wheel?

Use a can of compressed air or Q-tips soaked in alcohol to clean out the buildup of gunk.
point the hose of a can of silicon spray at the gap and hope some of it lands on the axle?

that's what i've been thinking but what kept me from trying is some of it might get in the laser head.
My VX Nano has a free spinning scroll wheel feature. After a while it starts getting stuck and not spinning freely like it originally did. I just aggressively spin the wheel over and over and the dust/dirt eventually comes out. That may only work for my particular model though.
What's wrong with opening it and taking a look? I recently had trouble with the mousewheel of my MX518, so I unscrewed the bottom, took it apart, cleaned all the crap away from the axle, blew all the dust out (compressed air) and once I figured out how everything fit back together again, it works just as well as the day I bought it. Spending 10-15 minutes doing this will save you from having to redo the whole q-tip/alcohol/silicon spray thing over and over.
why do you still have a mousewheel anyway

Are you thinking a ball mouse? All of my mice have scroll wheels.

In regards to opening it up -- most are pretty straight forward, and it shouldn't be that hard. But some of them have small pieces that spring out... I had one that flung a piece across my room and it never worked right again! I'd definitely try a qtip or canned air before opening it up.
The problem with opening up the g5 is that the stinkin' screws are underneath the Polytetrafluoroethylene (lol) feet.. so you gotta rip them off to open up the mouse, and of course the one for the back of the mouse is now missing.

if anyone cares this is the guts of the G5 (phone pics) - this is how they come off not to big of a deal as long as i can glue it back down again
well thanks for serious replys for the joke post i feel like im on the misc section of bodybuilding forums. you guys should check it out funny stuff.
why do you still have a mousewheel anyway

Most mice have a mousewheel/scroll wheel, I think you're thinking of trackball, in which case you just take the ball out and scrape away the junk. Long time since I've used one of those. :)