How to burn in a new psu


Limp Gawd
Apr 30, 2007
Just picked up a new kinwin stryker 500 passive psu.. Love it.. silent :)... But i noticed when i woke the computer today the psu clicked a few times like it was warming up some capacitors or something like that .. Should i do a burn in on the psu to get things settled in?
Never done it before. Heck, I've never even heard of "burning in" a power supply before...?
Yeah. capacitors don't warm up and PSUs don't need to be broken/burnt in

Do you have a UPS? i know my UPS sometimes makes a little clickly click sound when i power on.
You simply just use the power supply. Are you 100% sure it is the power supply clicking? Could be a fan hitting in the case, cpu heat sink fan or a sound card clicking.
There's probably internal relays that are doing the clicking as it switches on. Capacitors do not click... they shouldn't make any noise at all. If they're making noise, they're probably exploding.
Photos here show nothing inside the PSU that can cause clicking sounds, like a surge limiting relay. [EDIT: I'm wrong -- there is a relay] So I think the clicking came from the hard disk because its electronics are designed to shut off the motor and retract the heads if a voltage is too low.
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Psst, right next to the bulk cap. In the transparent black housing...

That's a Relay,