How should I partition hdd for dualboot XP/Vista?


Aug 8, 2005
Im about to reinstall my OS and Im going to install XP then Vista. Should I just split the HDD in half for XP and Vista to have a fair half and keep their files organized or just give Vista 30gigs and allow it to install programs on the C drive where XP is? Theses are going on my 150gb raptor.
Give Vista MORE than 30 gb. I split a raptor 74gb down the middle and regretted not giving it more space. It eats up a chunk more than XP does, heck even the SP1 RC1 candidate wanted at least 10gb free which I only had 9 left. My vista folder is eating up 11gb, my prog files is eating 7gb. My games are on a completely different drive...
Ok well maybe Ill give Vista 100gb and XP the rest. Im only installing the OS and games on this drive.
You also don't want to share your system program files directory between two issues. That could cause some trouble down the road, especially if you choose to remove one of the two OSes. Anytime I've ever set up a dual boot, I've kept each OS completely separate. If you're like most people who start this way, you'll find yourself using XP less and less, so I'd call that another reason to keep everything neat and tidy.
don't mix the installations, that's a headache in future...

I find having the dual boot very handy, if I ever screw one installation, I always have a perfectly installed OS on the other drive.

So far I can't dump XP completely yet for my stuff. My recent ipod touch experience shows exactly what one company's lack of support can do cough apple no vista 64 drivers cough...