How much time do you spend gaming?

I don't see an issue with how much time a person spends gaming, it's only an issue if it keeps you from doing things that are important: Spend time with family/wife/kids, get some fresh air, work, school... paying rent/mortgage/car payment.
Lamont said:
How long has she been your GF?

I read this kind of stuff a lot, there has to be a balance.

My hours of gaming have jumped up a lot since I have been playing Tales of Symphonia for the GC and Drill Dozer when I am away from the TV. Every morning I play Guitar Hero...

Very true. I told my GF who said that (give up the games to make her happy) she's out of her f**kin' mind and would have to kill me first. Putting up with her shopping and her stupid clueless friends all the time is enough to kill myself.

I have been with her for 2 years and 9 months. Turst me, with my hot tempared, crazy ass, Taiwanese control freak gf, there no meaning of balance. First, it was gaming, then cars, now its my drinking and going out with friends! Im getting pissed off right now tlaking about this I feel like headbutting the monitor! :mad:
Ok im better now... Anyways, I really do waste alot of my time and get over obsessed in what i do, so i kinda understand where she coming from. Also she's one of those girls where if you break up with them, shell go crazy and threatin to Kill you or commit suicide. I mean dont get me wrong, we have our good times and she does alot for me. It only gets bad when we fight, which isnt alot so its all good.
Run and don't look back. If you need a place to hide PM me ;). I'll get you another girl. Sounds like she wants you all to herself. You are not the only one with a girl like that. Or you can take trips to game at my place.

I'll play the hell outta my games for you tonight.
Lamont said:
Very true. I told my GF who said that (give up the games to make her happy) she's out of her f**kin' mind and would have to kill me first. Putting up with her shopping and her stupid clueless friends all the time is enough to kill myself.

You are now going on my friends list because that's the coolest thing I've heard in a while.
Lamont said:
Run and don't look back. If you need a place to hide PM me ;). I'll get you another girl. Sounds like she wants you all to herself. You are not the only one with a girl like that. Or you can take trips to game at my place.

I'll play the hell outta my games for you tonight.

Seconded. Oh...wait, my games are at home and I'm staying with my gf tonight... Hmmm, dilemma. I'll think about playing the hell outta my games for you tonight.
NulloModo said:
It depends on how much I am anticipating a game, how much free time I have, and how much the game draws me in.

I picked up Parasite Eve for the PS1 over christmas break way back when, and got so hooked into it I was playing 6+ hours a day for a few days in a row, similar things happened with FFVII, FFIX, Lunar, and Lunar 2. I'll also sometimes blow off some steam setting things the way they should have happened on NCAA football if my team blows a game on any given saturday.

Then there are the times like now when I am spending 12 hours a day at work with morning band and chorus rehearsals and afterschool play rehearsals trying to get everyone ready for their end of the year finales, and all I want to do when I get home is watch random crime dramas for a couple hours and pass out.

I guess in an average week I spend maybe 4 hours playing games, so, I'm not really that hardcore either. When FFXII hits the shelves though, I expect the PS2 to suck up a good deal of my spare time.

I remember playing Parasite Eve way back in the day!!! Great game. I cant for the life of me remember what happens in the end! Can you refresh my memory?

Isn't it like a twist ending, or you have a choice for multiple endings?
oh i spend atleast 40-60 hours a week. Depending if its a good week or not... but in about 2 weeks when I go back to school I'm gonna have to cut back quite abit. More in the lines of 10-20 if that.... :eek:
When I was Renting a house it was 8-12 Hours a Day....Then my wife had to get all mad and Decide we had to buy a House so it like dropped to nothing since it was in the Sticks and no high Speed but since high speed has made its way there now its still only like 3-4 hours a Week now... WOMEN!

Not nearly enough time as I used to.. I used to game at least 4-5 hours a day now I'm down to a couple of long sessions a week. I just don't have the time I did as a teenager, marriage and work just take up too much time.
I used to do 10 hours a day in my EQ madness. Now, with a wife, baby and a live-in mother in law (all in a 1000 square foot condo), I can no longer play games at home. Luckily I have a buddy who has a lan party room in his house nearby. I can escape to his place twice a month or so for a solid day of lan gaming.
6-7 hours a week of games usually. Used to play around 50 hours of SWG per week during school until the CU came out.
Qujo said:
I used to do 10 hours a day in my EQ madness. Now, with a wife, baby and a live-in mother in law (all in a 1000 square foot condo), I can no longer play games at home. Luckily I have a buddy who has a lan party room in his house nearby. I can escape to his place twice a month or so for a solid day of lan gaming.

When I grow up I wanna lan party room :(.
You wanna know how much I game, well just look me up n Xfire, My name on there is Diablo2k. But the totals on there are only about the last year or so, I probably have an easy 2000 hours on World of Warcraft, and before that another 1000 hours on Star Wars Galaxies, I think the most I played in one week was about 75 hours!
Well in WoW I have 39 days /played between last August and April before I had to take a vow of game chastity so I could graduate college comfortably (senior design was a bitch).

So that was about 30 hours/week. Now however, my computer has been propper f****d since I graduated meaning 0 hours of gaming. Waiting on a decent conroe mobo to build a new rig and get back into it.