How much time do you spend gaming?

When I was in college my roomate and I would MMORGP for prolly 6 hours a day during the week, and 8-10 on the weekends. These days I can't imagine putting in that kinda time. Its all I can do after work to plop down on the couch and start the 360 (thank god for the controller on/off function). Between that and ROM's on the comp i prolly play 20-25 hours a week or so. Still a gamer at heart but can't find the time like i usta. :mad:
I usually spend maybe 2-3 hours a week. Now that school is practically over, I want to cherish the time to enjoy gaming. So now I get owned in CS:S 6 hours a day!

Post count += 1
About two hours a day playing Diablo II. That is because I just got it, that time will probably decrease soon. I get bored with games very quickly... I do remember though when I would play FFX for 8 hours a day when I was in college. The great thing about being a chemistry major was the minimal homework.
Got the story to top all
Friend of mine Martin,
He is a hard core gamer,
When the Orginally Diablo came out he stayed up for 7 days stright playing that game. Drinking nothing but Mt.dew and eating sugar and junk food. At the end of the 7th day he had a grand maul and had to be brought back to life with the paddels, Now he only stays up for 3 days at a time. Kid is the best gamer i have ever seen...
-(Xyphox)- said:
Got the story to top all
Friend of mine Martin,
He is a hard core gamer,
When the Orginally Diablo came out he stayed up for 7 days stright playing that game. Drinking nothing but Mt.dew and eating sugar and junk food. At the end of the 7th day he had a grand maul and had to be brought back to life with the paddels, Now he only stays up for 3 days at a time. Kid is the best gamer i have ever seen...

Wow, that's a true story? He must have slept at some point though, right? Does he have bipolar disorder?
I'm 45 y.o., disabled married and she's disabled too, she sleeps during the day while I play and I sleep at night so she can play. We spend together time watching tv shows and at casinos playing penny poker (so that's a video game). When I'm not posting here or doing some kind of research about computers I'm gaming. In the summer I have a veggie garden and lots of flowers (women really dig the flowers), so I play maybe 7 hours a day, currently Oblivion, Dungeon Siege 2 and I still haven't finshed Morrowinds expansion packs. In the winter I seem to have a hibernation thing and sleep 12 to 16 hours a night but play most of the rest of the time I'm awake. So, I'd say I average maybe 20 hours minimum and 40 hours maximum playing games of one kind or another.
I spend at least 2 hours on Halo 2 online each day and then maybe a few hours on the PS2 (Guitar Hero, GTA:LCS, God of War). Since no good games have come out for the 360 yet, I really don't have anything else worth playing.
WoW, about 4-6 hours on days I work. (5 days a week) Then 8-10 hours on weekends. Jesus, that's borderline disgusting... but it pays the bills. ;)

In fact, the only reason I'm posting here is because I have another 57 minutes until realm maintenance is over. :p

Before I picked up WoW, it was only an hour or 2 of gaming a week. I believe at some point in the future, the addictive qualities of MMORPG's will be well known amongst the general public. But for now, I'll continue to have trouble with the question: 'So, what have you been up to lately?' o_O
mrgulabull said:
WoW, about 4-6 hours on days I work. (5 days a week) Then 8-10 hours on weekends. Jesus, that's borderline disgusting... but it pays the bills. ;)

In fact, the only reason I'm posting here is because I have another 57 minutes until realm maintenance is over. :p

Before I picked up WoW, it was only an hour or 2 of gaming a week. I believe at some point in the future, the addictive qualities of MMORPG's will be well known amongst the general public. But for now, I'll continue to have trouble with the question: 'So, what have you been up to lately?' o_O

I've just begun playing WOW... and ^this shit is annoying already. WTF? (not to be off topic)
I feel lucky if I manage 8 hours a week...
Adult life the gaming department...
In college: Maybe... 1/2 hr a day on weekdays.

Now summer: Looking for a job, but so far no luck. ~3 hrs.
Umm I just got WoW, and ummm I dont know how to say this but sometimes 12 hours a day :eek:

I have 11 days /played and been playing less than a month. I work 30-40 hours a week too.

I may need help.
During the workweek, 0 hours. Then on Friday night/Saturday I could get up to 18 hours in across the two days (I have a massive queue of games to blaze through right now). I am a loser. :D
If you cant play for a minimum of 6 hours or so straight on a free day you arent really playing the game at all. ;o)
Hm. Lately since it's summer nearly 6 hours a day, but school does quite the opposite to me. I spend more time gaming. While at school I get the "gaming crave" and just think how nice it would be to shoot some terrorists and when I get home I have to satisfy it. However, when I pub for multiplayer games I spend far less time gaming, as nothing beats playing online with good friends, I can't be the only one who needs a comfortable enviroment to game in?
Welp, I just topped off hour 73 on X-Men Legends II. I got all my guys to Level 99... still can't get the Professor. Missing a couple of comic books.

Nightcrawler is the BEST character for boss fights. Do his multi-hit special and he just bounces on their head 8 times for 520+HP each hit.
does depends on the games out. im taking a break from competivitve gaming , where i would put in atleast 6+ hours a day, so i have alot of games that i havent played that i want to play but havent had time to im playing still about the same. Id say on avergae tho 4hrs a day and like 8hrs on the weekend. But with college starts back up its sure to be less :mad:
22+hours... now my parents gave me a gay time limit because they said gaming is taking over my life.. but i play a hell of a lot more than 22 hours.. lol
Well now I barley game anymoe as I don't have anything I really want to play, although I probably still put in 5-10hours a week, I used to put in 30+hours when Neverwinter Nights and Oblivion where released.
I spend about 10 to 18 Hours a week playing.
When a New game comes out, or when I get a game I have yet to play, that Number can jump into the 40's (As it did with Oblivion).
]|[ Mar']['in ]|[ said:
30-40 hours a week I guess. :(
Martin come on.. 40 hrs a week
thats all
This is coming from the kid that almost died from staying up for 7 days playing diablo ;)
1-3 hours a day I would say. Used to be a lot worse back when I was mudding - like 8 hours a day at times...
RavenD said:
1-3 hours a day I would say. Used to be a lot worse back when I was mudding - like 8 hours a day at times...
another mudder, nice, where ya play at?
i play halo 2 for like about 2-3 hours a day. depends on how im really into the game sometimes.
10 hours a week if I'm lucky. My wife gets agitated if I play too long, so I play in short bursts. However, some games have the time sponge effect where I lose track of time. On those occasions the monitor normally gets turned off! ;)

i spend more time randomly browsing the web

i just turned 22, and i refuse to end up one of those 45 year old EQ addicts like the folks i work with. way too much fun to be had while im single and in a big city.
if there is a new game i probably spend 2-4 hours a day playing it but if its just a "normal" week i probably spend less than 5 hrs a week on gaming... just a few years ago id be in the 20-30 hr range... i guess my attention span for gaming has been a little burnt out

edit: its funny to see ppl that only game 5 hrs or week (or less) and that spend most of their time just surfing/email/chatting (like me) and have those badass vid cards... im one of those ppl (x1800xl are still good!) but its amuses me to barely use that expensive card
1-5 hours a week on gaming now. I have really never played games in long stints. I just got quality results in record time :p
I used to spend 6 hours weekdays gaming and 12 hours on weekends. My GF started to have problems and one day got into a fight that esculated so high I sold my gaming rig. Now I have this laptop and i have been intching to get an Xbox 360.
XLeezardx said:
I used to spend 6 hours weekdays gaming and 12 hours on weekends. My GF started to have problems and one day got into a fight that esculated so high I sold my gaming rig. Now I have this laptop and i have been intching to get an Xbox 360.

Wow, that's rough dude. You weren't even able to compromise on the number of hours you could play? Not even like a few hours for you and a few hours with her? That's too bad, because giving in on the things you love is never a good thing. It'll turn into resentment.
XLeezardx said:
I used to spend 6 hours weekdays gaming and 12 hours on weekends. My GF started to have problems and one day got into a fight that esculated so high I sold my gaming rig. Now I have this laptop and i have been intching to get an Xbox 360.
How long has she been your GF?

I read this kind of stuff a lot, there has to be a balance.

My hours of gaming have jumped up a lot since I have been playing Tales of Symphonia for the GC and Drill Dozer when I am away from the TV. Every morning I play Guitar Hero...

That's too bad, because giving in on the things you love is never a good thing. It'll turn into resentment.
Very true. I told my GF who said that (give up the games to make her happy) she's out of her f**kin' mind and would have to kill me first. Putting up with her shopping and her stupid clueless friends all the time is enough to kill myself.