How much time do you spend gaming?


Jun 5, 2001
Just curious. I probably spend about 5-10 hours a week. I'm not very hardcore. ;)
shoulda made this a poll :p it all depends on what games are out, when some new amazing game is released i'll put in 4 hours a night, when things are slow (like now) i go for many days without playing a thing.. still wonder if i should bother with hl2e1
It depends on how much I am anticipating a game, how much free time I have, and how much the game draws me in.

I picked up Parasite Eve for the PS1 over christmas break way back when, and got so hooked into it I was playing 6+ hours a day for a few days in a row, similar things happened with FFVII, FFIX, Lunar, and Lunar 2. I'll also sometimes blow off some steam setting things the way they should have happened on NCAA football if my team blows a game on any given saturday.

Then there are the times like now when I am spending 12 hours a day at work with morning band and chorus rehearsals and afterschool play rehearsals trying to get everyone ready for their end of the year finales, and all I want to do when I get home is watch random crime dramas for a couple hours and pass out.

I guess in an average week I spend maybe 4 hours playing games, so, I'm not really that hardcore either. When FFXII hits the shelves though, I expect the PS2 to suck up a good deal of my spare time.
Depends on the game and my mood. Some days it's just a quick round of BF2, about 30 minutes worth, some days I'll fire up the Sims or Flight Sim and be immersed for hours.
Depends.....I'd say I'm in the 5-10 hour range. When I get a new game I usually play a ton more, if I can fit it in my schedule.

Back in middle school I gamed 10-20 hours per week.
about 6 months ago I would get 30-35 hours a week on CS:S scriming non-stop, now its only like 6 - 8 a week. :)
It depends really, but it seems as though the older I get the less I game. When I was younger, I used to play every single day for several hours, anywhere from 30-40 hours a week. Nowadays, with college and just life in general, I barely get to play. I usually only game for a few hours during the week and get some decent amount of time in on the weekends. I'll say between 5-10 hours a week now, depending on how much time I have available.
my rents only let me play pc games on weekends :mad: , so i maybe invest 4-5 hours a week playin pc games. if im feelin luky, i mite try loggin onto a bf2 server and prayin my pc dusnt freeze,but normally i play bf2 sp, morrowind, or halo. i plan to get oblivion and cod 2 next week when summer break begins, so im only stuk with old games for a little longer.
I play about 30-40 hours a week. Mostly BF2, some Oblivion, some COD2. 42 hours so far this week xfire informes me.
I used to be 4-6 hours daily, but .... I'm 26 now and I have a very good job that takes a lot out of me. When I get off work I hit the gym for 2 hours, eat dinner, shower and iron my clothes for work the next day. By that time, I have about 1 hour to check email and game.

Weekends ? A bit here and there, but quite honestly I don't game on my PC anymore. I come home here and there and find my roommate playing the 'ol 360 on the big screen. I'll sit down and tear it up for a bit, but then its responcibility time.

I am a hardcore PC gamer turned 360 fanatic who trys to squeeze in some gaming here and there. I'm maybe 5-6 a week.
I used to be able to play for hours but not anymore, its hard for a game to keep me entertained now.

I need a soul sucking RPG
Since I don't like many of the games out right now.. about 1, 1 1/2 hours a day. But if I got a friend playing, than I can go for alot longer. Back when I was CAL CoD1.. 4-5hours a day. :) Right now since I'm at a LAN.. about 20hours this weekend :)

Edit: Show's how much I've been gaming, I thought today was Sunday, not Frirday!
What with moving and all, my hours have been down for the last few months, once I'm finished getting setteled in to the new place in a couple weeks i ought to be back around 40 a week. And if the girl thinks otherwise, we'll be having our first fight (been together a year and a half, we're over due.)
Oblivion was eating up about 2-3 hours a day the past few weeks until this past week since I had to work 12 hr days at work (military). I take my PSP with me so that if I get some down time I can watch movies or play Mario 3. If I played any more than that I would probably end up Divorced but l usually play while the wife sleeps since she has to get up earlier than me and I'm a "Night Owl". I just patched BF2 up since I haven't played since March 12th and spent the last 3 hours playing. Now I'm off to bed.
10-20 hours a week usually.

A lot of my friends go 40-80 hours a week no problem. I used to but haven't got the buzz anymore.
My day goes something like this

7.00am Get up
7.00-7.30 email check & some gaming
9.15am - 6.30pm work
7.00pm - 2.00am gaming (and some internet surfing and msn chat with my wife in between)
2.30 sleep

and so on
Not much right now, as I'm not really into any game after finishing Oblivion up. I'm probably only gaming a couple hours a week, unless I go to a LAN party, then it goes up to about 10 hours... ;)
EvilNando said:
My day goes something like this

7.00am Get up
7.00-7.30 email check & some gaming
9.15am - 6.30pm work
7.00pm - 2.00am gaming (and some internet surfing and msn chat with my wife in between)
2.30 sleep

and so on

Dude, how do you get by on such little sleep?
Its hard. and every day it gets harder ...

lots of coffe a MUST and a cold shower in the moring.. then at lunch time I just dont eat beacuse it just gets me very sleepy afterwards.. I just have another cofee as a lunch then..

and weekends I usually spend them sleeping...

yesterday for example I just couldnt keep up.. and I practically slept the whole day and the whole night.. now I feel rested and Ill game the whole weekend as soon I get home

EDIT: Also to survive work I take 4 aspirins on the morning
During school when I have nothing better to do I would say about 20 hours or more a week. When I'm home a somewhat have a life and it's down to maybe 2-5 hours a week.
EvilNando said:
My day goes something like this

7.00am Get up
7.00-7.30 email check & some gaming
9.15am - 6.30pm work
7.00pm - 2.00am gaming (and some internet surfing and msn chat with my wife in between)
2.30 sleep

and so on

Why? I mean, I like to game and such myself, but not enough to lose sleep over, at least not consistently.
EvilNando said:
Its hard. and every day it gets harder ...

I know how you feel, I only got about 5hours of sleep a night for a year or two.. had to change that habit. I was being accused of doing drugs because my eyes were always bloodshot :(
I'm probably around 15 - 25 hours a week or so. Almost all BF2 with some Oblivion lately.
i use to average 5 hours a day when 64bit first came out and i finally got mine. Within the past six months though i haven't bothered to play a thing and have actually uninstalled all games i had. I have tons of free time though.
Not bloody enough.
Got married and (enjoyable) life went to hell in a handbasket.
Built my ultimate gaming rig and now I don't have a free moment to
use it.
tdg said:
Depends on the game and my mood. Some days it's just a quick round of BF2, about 30 minutes worth, some days I'll fire up a Sim and be immersed for hours.

Fixed for me
not very much for me anymore. Now that we've bought a house, that takes my attention.
10-12 hours per week. 95% of the time in BF2/SF/EF. The other 5% playing spades. lol
Now that I'm an old dude (41) not very much. However once in a while, I'll do a 5 hour or more BF2 marathon on a weekend, like Saturday day usually. Like an old habit.

I plan on loading up that new Half Life episode today also.

Things might change on the gaming front after the Stanley Cup playoffs are over also. I'm gonna take the leap and chuck all my cable TV. Rabit ears only. We'll see how that goes, but I'm hoping it will make me do other stuff.
EvilNando said:
My day goes something like this

7.00am Get up
7.00-7.30 email check & some gaming
9.15am - 6.30pm work
7.00pm - 2.00am gaming (and some internet surfing and msn chat with my wife in between)
2.30 sleep

and so on

You're a lucky dude. My wife is like a barnacle on my butt when it comes to me being on the computer. If I'm not looking directly at her, then I'm not spending time "With her".

How do you pull it off????
I need some help to make my life more like yours.
im a hardcore gamer so maybe like a half an hour a week. I know its a ton of time.
I used to game a lot back in my High School days, about 2-3 hours each day. But now in college, I'm finding myself gaming less and less. Occasionaly I would fire up DOD:S or BF2 to play a few rounds. I also play the PSP a lot in my classes...very bad habit to have. I'd say 4-5 hours a week including PSP.
Detman101 said:
You're a lucky dude. My wife is like a barnacle on my butt when it comes to me being on the computer. If I'm not looking directly at her, then I'm not spending time "With her".

How do you pull it off????
I need some help to make my life more like yours.

Sounds like he does not live with his wife at this time because of work. ;)