How much of a performance boost?


Limp Gawd
Aug 11, 2004
I currently have an Asus A7N8X Deluxe mobo with an Athlon XP 2700+ (no OC) with 1GB Corsair TwinX PC3200 DDR RAM (low latency). I recently purchased a BFG 6800 Ultra. Would I see a large enough boost in performance if I were to upgrade my CPU to a 3200+? Due to my recent video card purchase, I won't be able to afford a new motherboard for quite a while but the 3200+'s are reasonably priced as long as I will see a very noticable difference in performance. Currently I have excellent performance in the primary games I play (Doom3 and DAoC) but will be playing EQ2 once it's released and want to prepare for it.

Thanks in advance for any info.

I would say just upgrade to an AMD Athlon XP Mobile chip. Save you about $50-$70 instead of going with a 3200
Have you tried overclocking that chip to 3200+? Nothing seems to be limiting it hardware wise. You would be able to hit those speeds and run your RAM and processor at a 1:1 ratio.
Well he cant turn that chip into a 3200+ as 2700+'s are thorton's or thoroughbreads, and I dont think it could OC enough to make up the cache, but you (original poster) should OC your chip as much as you can and leave it that until you can upgrade to a64.
I doubt you would see any noticeable perforcemance boost.

On the other hand, if you went to Athlon64....
Like he said he's not upgrading to A64 because he doesn't want to have to get a whole new motherboard. To go to 64bit, he's looking at around $300 to upgrade to the cheapest processor and a decent board.
I upgraded from a 1700 T-bred (200*10) to a 2500 xp-M (200*12.5) and there isn't really much difference so I wouldn't sweat it.
Thanks for the input all. I decided to just stick with what I have for a few months and save up for a good mobo and CPU (A64).