how meany use mozilla/firefox?

Feb 3, 2004
^^^ i have been useing one or the other since v1.0 of mozilla, but now since firefox(aka firebird) is maturing im useing it.
I use Mozilla at home. I started using it many months ago, before that I was still using Netscape :)
I've used Mozilla 1.3, 1.4, and 1.5. At the same time, I was using Phoenix .4, Firebird .5, .6, .7, and now Firefox .8.

I stopped using Moz when Firebird was at .6; mozilla is too bloated and I like Firefox's faster startup and more streamlined interface. Can't wait when it hits v 1.0.
I 've used firefox since it was still phoenix.
(Opera before that. I've never used IE as my primary browser on my own computers :D )
I use firefox as well. I strongly recommend the adblock plugin. You set rules to block whatever you want, and you can also block those stupid pointless flash deals that slow down your whole browser.
All mozilla, all the time for me. I've been using it since beta .9. I also like the mail client, i finally switched over from netscape messenger.
When I use to run Linux I started out with Mozilla but now that I've had to switch to XP I couldn't go back to it after seeing Firebird .7 and now I use Firefox. God, I just love FireFox!
I've used Mozilla since Milestone 16 (M16). I'm currently using Mozilla Firebird 0.7, as Firefox 0.8 is less stable for me and has a few unwanted features (like the new download manager, as though there was anything wrong with the previous implementation).
Been using Phoenix/Firebird/Firefox since the days of Phoenix 0.5 in windows, 0.6 in linux.

It's never handled images suitable to my liking, so it fails to be used exclusively except in linux. Never needed the pop-up filter in windows, Proxomitron handles that and a variety of other things quite nicely and is browser independent.
Firefox as well. Just started using it about a month ago. I love it.
The download manager is phenomenal as well