How many Xbox360s have you burned through?

Had one it started giving me trouble 3 weeks after I bought it (Feb 06), lived through a few months of lockups, I had purchased extended warranty and they couldn't fix it so they cut me a check for what I paid :) - Would have bought another if it hadn't been the same thing that happened with my XBOX1

Yes I know there are many people with systems still going strong, just seems that quite a few fail, or maybe its the squeeky wheel syndrome. Would be nice to see some numbers on failure rates (but I'm sure RMA info will never be released)

No real problems yet, but I worry about it... My launch Xbox1 is still running strong, though :D.

I'll be picking up an elite when they launch. Kinda hope they've ironed out the kinks with those...
I'm on my second console.

There's something definitely up with the hardware failures. Consoles of the past didn't require you to baby them like the newest ones require. Between the console itself and some of the accessories dying for no reason, I'm really getting more and more frustrated with what is considered quality these days.

It reminds me of Chris Farley in Tommy Boy... (paraphrasing) "Hell, I'll shit in a box and mark it guaranteed if it'll make you feel better. But you're still buying a box of shit."
The positive side to hardware failure (if you can even say that) is that the turnaround time for repairs is phenomenal. If you've ever had a TV, stereo, iPod or any other electronic component go out and had to get a replacement / know how painless the MS process is.

The Wii has a pretty good system in place, more steps in the process but also painless.

I have to disagree with your assessment here. MS's process was HORRIBLY painful, and it took 6 months and finally phone calls from Major Nelson to get my issue resolved. They sent me 2 defective replacements in a row, both scratched and covered in greasy fingerprints, the first one being dented in on one corner. It worked for 34 MINUTES before it died. the second was dead out of the box. When they finally got me a WORKING unit it took them a further 2 MONTHS to cough up my hard drive.

Meanwhile when I *thought* I had a problem with my Wii (I didn't actually, it turned out) they had a brand new Wii on my doorstep 36 hours later with ONE phone call.

I'll say with no hesitation, MS's 360 service is the WORST service experience I've ever had with any product, bar none.
Yes I know there are many people with systems still going strong, just seems that quite a few fail, or maybe its the squeeky wheel syndrome. Would be nice to see some numbers on failure rates (but I'm sure RMA info will never be released)


if there are 10 million consoles shipped and 3% are bad....300,000 squeaks can be pretty damn loud :D

I'll say with no hesitation, MS's 360 service is the WORST service experience I've ever had with any product, bar none.

I am sure every bit of that is true....the question is, are you the exception or the rule? Do most people get turn around service in a matter of days? Or do most people have to call Major Nelson to get help after 3 dead consoles in a row?
got my second a couple of weeks ago, and it died...
i am gonna send it back so i will be on my third
The part I find amazing is that it seems most people are either on their first or 3+ :D -

When I was in gamestop buying one of the "Other Console", the guy behind me in line mentioned that he was on his 4th after I said mine died. I get the feeling that MS is sending out refurbs when they should be sending new. If they were cars that unit would be called a lemon at that point ;)

The 360 is a great platform, just MS sucks sometimes...


3 brand new ones that went nerfed or were nerfed out of the box, 2 refurbs that lasted less than a month each, and I'm waiting on #6 to arrive from microsoft.

I call shens on anyone claiming they're on their first console ;) Just kidding :)
I'm going to say now that I am on my first Xbox. I had a sneaking suspicion that Microcenter had sold me a box that had been resealed. Now I have had them replace every non-cable component in there, so now I know that I have a fresh unit.
My launch just expired. I'm waiting on my gift card from circuit shitty and will be getting an elite at the end of the month. What's funny is my 360 lasted longer then my first xbox and I burned through three of those so I'm not too bitter about this one, just pissed I have guitar hero sitting here with nothing to play it on.
I have to disagree with your assessment here. MS's process was HORRIBLY painful, and it took 6 months and finally phone calls from Major Nelson to get my issue resolved. They sent me 2 defective replacements in a row, both scratched and covered in greasy fingerprints, the first one being dented in on one corner. It worked for 34 MINUTES before it died. the second was dead out of the box. When they finally got me a WORKING unit it took them a further 2 MONTHS to cough up my hard drive.

Meanwhile when I *thought* I had a problem with my Wii (I didn't actually, it turned out) they had a brand new Wii on my doorstep 36 hours later with ONE phone call.

I'll say with no hesitation, MS's 360 service is the WORST service experience I've ever had with any product, bar none.

well, if you read their instructions, you're supposed to remove the drive when you send it in...
I'm on my 7th one. First couple wouldn't even turn on, two turned on but would not read disks, two were nerfed and I just received another one from MS. The ones that MS sents you are BS, they are the ones that break the most. I should have returned the 360 to walmart and gotten a new one from them.
Did anyone get a Benq drive from M$? If so, is it noticeably more quiet than the Samsung/Hitachi?
I am on my 3rd one!!!

Wait...all three still work. I have 3 in my house on 3 different Tv's..:p
I am on my 3rd one right now, so I have sent 1 back (was in the 90 day warranty at that time) and took the other one back to GameCrazy where I originally bought the launch unit and got a replacement. Personally I like the GameCrazy warranty better than MS's. I just bring in the dead console with the receipt for the warranty and I walk out with a replacement in hand, no waiting for 2 weeks or more like I had to with the first one that was sent to MS. 3rd has been going strong and works fine, I think the others overheated as I had them in a questionable location.
I've been through four. The one I have now seems to be doing fine. It doesn't exactly get used a lot.
well, if you read their instructions, you're supposed to remove the drive when you send it in...

Mine had like 4 notices in big writing with pictures telling me to take off the drive, any faceplates, and any games. Kinda hard to miss. Unless you're sending in your HD itself to be fixed.
5 months of error free gaming on the 360 ended tonight with a phone call to microsoft. They're sending me a pre-paid box just like the new warranty update says. Had zero problems getting the agent to work with me. Unfortunately, the 360 died while trying to play halo 2 and took the disk with it. He said I could call back with my ref # later and get a free replacement. I was pretty impressed, hope it doesn't take too long. I'm not too worried though, sounds like they got their act together.

Born September 2006.
Died in April 2007.
Had the Hitachi drive.

Just a little haiku :(
Taking mine back tomorrow to get a 2nd. Are the newer ones any better?

It seems that most people either still have their original or are on their second or third....I suspect the power supply is the culprit and hooking another 360 to the same psu produces the same results eventually. I have my power suppy "hanging" somewhat (but not stressing the cords) so it gets airflow from all sides and I haven't had any issues with my 7 month old system.
It seems that most people either still have their original or are on their second or third....I suspect the power supply is the culprit and hooking another 360 to the same psu produces the same results eventually. I have my power suppy "hanging" somewhat (but not stressing the cords) so it gets airflow from all sides and I haven't had any issues with my 7 month old system.

I agree. I think there is something else causing the units to fail for most of the people that have gone through 2 or more units, likely the power supply. I'm sure some have gotten faulty units right off the bat, but if you have gone through multiple consoles, it makes me think something else is up.

I'm still on my launch console, I bought the extended MS warranty, so if it's going to die, I hope it does within the next year.

My cousin had his launch unit dvd drive fail about a month ago and sent it in, MS put a new drive in it and sent it back. That's the only problem he's had with his launch unit.
Im currently on my 4th, 1st one was my fault due to my Bloodhound dribbling over the machine just after he had drank some water!, 2nd was a power supply issue, 3rd was the dvd drive, the one i have currently has no problems at all but im getting rid of it anyway in favour of the black elite!! So ill be on my 5th as soon as the elite comes out lol!
I've had mine since midnight of launch day....Still working like the day i bought it after thousands of hours of gaming.

Thanks Microsoft:)
My first 360 had a E67 error out of the box. The second one has been fine thus far.
Still on my first one -- launch console. My friends (he got his in Jan. 2006) just got the red ring of death. I play the crap out of mine; I probably have close to 1000 hrs, maybe more in it. If mine goes out I know a way to get a 'free replacement' one anyway. :cool:
On my second unit. First one was a launch day purchase. Got red LED's of death about two months ago, right after MS extended the warranty to a year. Second one is more silent.
Still on my first, I figure the 11th month I have it I'll run it under a bath towel to get that magical new lower nm chip. ;)
I just bought mine last Monday and have enjoyed every minute of it. :) One of the best purchases I have made.