How many times can I install Vista on different hardware?


Jul 25, 2005
I want to begin testing Vista, so I was curious how many times I could install it. I remember with Windows XP, you could activate it at least a few times.

I plan to install new copies when I upgrade hard drives or change motherboards. How many times would Vista allow this?
For testing purposes, you still have the 30 day period before you have to activate. Once you activate your reinstall activations depends on the frequency and the help desk personnel on the other end....meaning there is no hard and fast rule on number of times you can reactivate.
How many activations does Vista allow before I have to contact the front desk?
I've got Home Premium OEM and have had no problems with re-installs... I have changed my video card, removed my soundcard, added a hard drive and ram, and not had to re-activate yet outside of a re-install... I haven't changed my mobo yet, but from what I have read here and elsewhere, MS has lightened up quite a bit... it requires a call, but evidentially that's about it....
The point was there is no set is a case by case basis and according to what rep you get and what story you give them....and how much they buy it. Generally as long as you leave your mobo in place, you are fairly free to swap components without reactivation.

For testing purposes, you still have the 30 day period before you have to activate. Once you activate your reinstall activations depends on the frequency and the help desk personnel on the other end....meaning there is no hard and fast rule on number of times you can reactivate.

CoW]8(0);1031394082 said:
How many activations does Vista allow before I have to contact the front desk?