How many screenshots have you taken of Doom 3?

Jan 14, 2001
I just checked my Doom 3 screenshot folder.

It is a gig in size.
:eek: :D

Apparently I am a screenshot monkey. Everytime I see something cool I take a screenshot. I'm even taking screenshots of things I think would make good desktop wallpapers. But sheesh, I think I've taken too many. :p
I do this with all games, but not this many, and they are so large in file size to begin with...
Apparently I am in the minority!

It's just such a beautiful work of art I feel I have to preserve my experience by taking screenshots... :rolleyes: :p
only a few only one i can remember is the one when i was goin through the teleporter and i was goin through what looked to be a blood filled water tornado
5 or 6, Im running my graphics so low its not even worth it. :(

Although i beleive your folder is a gig, since everyone of my screenshots is ~1.4MB on 640x380, i can't imagine how big they would be on a higher res..
1, a screenshot of half chick/half spider thing. So I could taunt one of my friends w/it (This is how you act around that time of the month) :p
For my review, I had to sort through about 578 screenshots. I think I got them down to eighty, maybe.