How many hours per week do you spend updating software on your home network?

How many hours per week do you spend updating software on your home network?

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[H]ardForum Junkie
Sep 30, 2001
I am just curious because I spend a lot of time updating stuff. I probably spend ten hours a week checking for updates.
Not so much anymore. Maybe I'm getting old, but I don't really have too much time to go updating things. If at all possible, I have everything auto-updated. NOD32, Azureus, various spyware tools. The only thing that doesn't auto-update is foobar. If I do update stuff it's usually just games. It used to be I was updating a couple of hours a day at least different apps
next to none, the important stuff autoupdates
the rest of it is generally standalone freeware

last week I updated Firefox and grabbed the new version of irfanview

took ?? a few minutes??
I can't wait until they set up firefox to really update itself instead of just reinstalling over itself. It makes my add/remove window look cluttered. :p
I don't autoupdate anything, except NOD32. I have to watch everything as it is being done to make sure I like the changes. Does that mean that I'm more paranoid that the tinfoil one? :eek:

my autoupdates are NOD32 and TDS-3

I retain the tinfoil crown :p
As long as it takes me to do ` emerge sync; emerge -fu world; emerge -u world`. I do plan to move to Debian at some point; then it'll be down to `apt-get upgrade`.

But that's about it. My file server's staying with the Debian it's got (except for security patches 1x/mo), and I'm not admining anything else in the house.
mosin said:
I am just curious because I spend a lot of time updating stuff. I probably spend ten hours a week checking for updates.
10 hours? No offense man but thats a lil rough. How many programs you running? Either you've got some major issues with your programs. Or you're running some seriously system critical stuff. I dont even think the guys at my workplace spend 10 hours a week updating things on our 50+ computer network.... If i spend more than an hour a week on updates, its just because i'm downloading new stuff and whatnot.
Maybe 1 hour a week. I don't update software until a new version is out, or unless I need to fix a issue that exists with the current one, of course thats just the Windows machines, my Linux/BSD boxes update their OS and software automatically.
i don't update anything on the home network mainly because i'm at college now but also my linksys router does a good job of blocking stuff. never had any virus problems or anything
The_Engineer said:
10 hours? No offense man but thats a lil rough. How many programs you running? Either you've got some major issues with your programs. Or you're running some seriously system critical stuff. I dont even think the guys at my workplace spend 10 hours a week updating things on our 50+ computer network.... If i spend more than an hour a week on updates, its just because i'm downloading new stuff and whatnot.
I run a lot of programs, and the network has several machines that have completely different configurations. Also, I beta test a lot of stuff. Add to that the fact that I am picky as Hell, and all of the users here are running under very strict rules. The machines perform perfectly as a result. Then, bear in mind that I read every word published about every update. A lot of the time spent is checking this and that, but I know the machines inside and out.
five minutes or so, usually less. I click check for updates in Adaware and SBS&D and thats it. so really, less than a minute, hell 30 seconds every week

edit, whoops, forgot the "a" in adaware
EnderW said:
none? you mean like software updates or networking stuff?
I mean driver, software and operating system updates...updates in general.
oh well in that case, week before last 15 > 30 minutes updating Suse 9 via yast
Most of my important software (as others have mentioned) I have set to update itself, or at least notify me of an update.

But in my case I read enough tech news articles and such that its very rare for an update to come out for one of the pieces of software that I regularly use and I not hear about it.
I spend 1-2 hours on Friday only as my 'check for updates, fixes, etc'. My BSD boxen do weekly CVSUP's Saturday morning.

What updates drive me nuts? BIOS updates. I'm a total stickler for updates (including BIOS updates - even if the fixed items are something that don't pertain to items I use on the motherboard). I can't automate these updates via GPOs so I have to go from system to system updating them.