How long did it take to D/L Prey?


Supreme [H]ardness
Apr 25, 2003
Question is how long did it take to D/L and from where did you download it?

It took me less than 11 minutes to start the D/L and play the demo. I used Triton over my dsl.
40 minutes from gamershell. I only have a 1.7MB by 800KB DSL line however, and at the time I was downloading the idiots at my ISP decided to lower it to 800 by 160KB.
about 15 mins from gamespot 10 mins after release.. was getting around 400KB/sec
hungryduck said:
now were going to compare download speeds on this forum???!

No, I am seeing how the triton download compares to normal downloads. Looks to be on par.

I didn't want to go recommending it unless it was much better than the average. But, it is the ONLY online delivery for the full release. I think it compares favorably to steams delivery system.

Maybe the biggest benefit is not needing the CD media to play the game when purchased online. (The CD has some pretty scary copy protection from what I hear)
Best way to figure this out is a calculator. It seems odd to ask people what speed they downloaded it at when it depends directly on what their bandwidth is. Anyways, the DVD took me 45 mins to download... I mean the demo, yeah the demo., was going to take 4 hours. Switched over to the filefront link, less than 15.

On launch night with every other server getting hammered and having lines, I find that very respectable.
a few minutes with my fileshack account with local download server

/hugs my 8mbps consistent download connection
I used yahoo videogames on launch day at 6pm eastern, it took about 25 minutes. I thought for day 1 that was pretty good and its free. :D