How long before there's a steady supply of 5870/50's?


Feb 26, 2008
Does anyone know, roughly?

I've been looking at Newegg several times a day but even if a 5870 comes in stock it's gone within seconds/minutes, before I have a chance to buy.
Yea I feel your pain, twice I saw one in stock but it sold out by the time I went from "add to cart" to "checkout" :p

Sad part is I got one when they initially released but had to RMA due to it being non-functional so now I'm screwed
Yea I feel your pain, twice I saw one in stock but it sold out by the time I went from "add to cart" to "checkout" :p

Sad part is I got one when they initially released but had to RMA due to it being non-functional so now I'm screwed

Aren't they sending you a new one to replace the non-functional one??
I would suggest we are up to a month out.
Yay, just got an HIS 5870 from Newegg, came in stock a few minutes ago. I was planning on getting either Asus or XFX but the HIS is a decent deal since it comes with a little toolkit and Dirt 2.
Yea I feel your pain, twice I saw one in stock but it sold out by the time I went from "add to cart" to "checkout" :p

Sad part is I got one when they initially released but had to RMA due to it being non-functional so now I'm screwed

Wow thats bull! You got a bad card and they haven't sent you one yet? I would think they would withhold a few cards incase of RMA. I would complain until they overnight you one!
I just snagged on of the HIS ones off of new egg as well.
I don't even see an HIS 5850 at new egg. I only see Power Color, ASUS, Diamond, XFX, and Sapphire. All out of stock, of course.

edit: You meant 5870. nvm.
Sounds about right to me.

AMD Vows to Improve Availability of ATI Radeon HD 5000 Graphics Cards In Weeks.

The chief executive officer of Advanced Micro Devices said that the company would be able to ship more ATI Radeon HD 5000-series graphics cards in the coming weeks. AMD admits that at present the situation with availability of the latest DirectX 11 graphics cards is improper. Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company is partly guilty of insufficient shipments of ATI Radeon HD 5000-series graphics cards.
“TSMC has made good progress with the 40nm technology. At this point our new ATI Radeon HD 5000 family is pulling on 40nm and as is always the case with the hot new product early in the launch: we are hand and mouth on supply. I expect that situation to improve over the coming weeks and months,” said Dirk Meyer, chief executive officer of AMD.
I am bit surprised at just how many people were jumping on these. I am thinking that AMD did not expect to be moving them like this. its a shame too as they could use all the income they can get