how is sapphires rma? 5870 failing after almost 2 years...or is it the PSU?


Jan 17, 2006

I've been running my setup that's been rock solid for the past couple of years... I haven't had major trouble till now.

Its a sapphire 5870 running on a corsair 750tx psu.

You know that annoying flicker that plagued the series when running dual/triple monitors and that ocurred when changing clocks?

Well this is basically it, except it now happens inside games, and it starts to flicker while gradually making the whole game crash giving me a blue screen, or most of the times... a "display driver error and managed to recover blah blah".

I already tried the usual.....formatting, cleaning drivers, different versions blah blah.

What do you guys think? PSU or Video card? other than games the system has been rock solid even when doing 3D rendering...

Also, how does sapphires RMA process work? It's the first time I've had to RMA something from them... And I need to act quickly since afaik its got a 2 year warranty and I got the card in march 2010.

No overclocking has been done btw...

I'm going thru sapphire RMA right now for an AMD 6970.

So far, here are the hoops I've had to jump thru.

1. Register on Sapphire connection.
2. Fill out a ticket with all the info.
3. Sapphire tech respond with one liner - Email [email protected] for RMA.

So sapphire uses a 3rd party for RMA.

4. Emailed Athlon micro with S/N and all the other info along with description of issue (bad fan).
5. Athlon micro responded with more paper work to fill out and fax or email back.
6. Did the above, finally got an RMA #.
My card was received on the 17th of Jan.
As of yet I have yet to receive any kind of confirmation that a replacement has been shipped out.
How hard is it to plug in a card to hear a loud fan squealing fan with bad bearings?

I wish corsair make graphics card.
Yeah fan failures on the 5870's are quite common now, especially after the bitcoin rush :)

uhh I don't have a fan failure lol...never got into bitcoin either.

But damn, seems like its too much of a hassle... I think im gonna have to order a cheap card while I RMA since I don't have integrated video :(