How important is the power supply?


Feb 23, 2005
My system came with a 250W but I have an Antec 350W. Should I replace or does it really not make a difference. I'm running a 9800Pro AIW card with Athlon 3200+ and 512K of RAM.
ya definetaly use the 350W, 250W are getting obsolete for computers now a days.
beachnut said:
My system came with a 250W but I have an Antec 350W. Should I replace or does it really not make a difference. I'm running a 9800Pro AIW card with Athlon 3200+ and 512K of RAM.

Depends on the situation, really, I have found the PSU to be one of the most irrelevant parts of the PC, in your situation I would venture to say that the 350W will be the end-all PSU for you. To this day, one of my best friends has a Enermax 330 that he can't overload, even with such a "power-hungry" setup:

Abit IC7 / GeForce FX 5950U volt-modded / Panaflo M1A / P4-C / 2x HDD / 2x Optical / loads of fans / 2xcathodes
Its more important to have amperage that meets or exceeds your system requirements, and stable, well regulated rails. Thats alot more important than raw wattage.

I never had an off brand PSU damage any components in my system, so I can't share the thoughts that you are sure to doom your system if you use one.

However, I did experience alot of stability problems, many of them caused by the poor voltage regulation. After I purchased a reliable and tested power supply, My stability problems became a thing of the past.

In my opinion a good PSU is a must, and by good I don't mean expensive. Check into the Power supply forums. There's alot of useful information there.
Mine works fine with 240W :p

I was running my previous rig (XP 2400+, 2x7200RPM, 9700 Pro) with a 430W but I built it originally with a 350W. Just replaced because it was too noisy, no problems with the 350W

Only time I really had problems was when using one of those cheap 250W that come with cases. It killed two harddrives probably because of unstable voltages or something.
512K of RAM. What a monster. PSU's are probably the most important part in your compuer as far as reliability goes. If you have a bad one, its the weakest link for your whole PC. Check out the stickys in the PSU forum and buy based on Ice Czar's and computerpro3's recommendations.
PSUs are VERY important. I cant describe through a daily basis that the problem comes down to it. I honestly think most people just throw it to the way side when its a huge part of stability in the system, its also probably one of the few parts of the computer that can cause everything to go out.
I'm using a 300Watt Sparkle on my machine and everything is fine...although I wouldn't consider my system overloaded at all.

PSU's are the most important part of the rig!
Think it through....What does the rig run on?
That's right electricity!
Now if all that power hungry stuff isn't fed right then you will have issues.
If your into OvClking, then it is even more critical that a clean stable and powerful enough PSU is had.
I am always amazed at how people will spend bookoo bucks on a comp and skimp on the PSU :confused: