How heavy is too heavy (Computer moves a lot)


Limp Gawd
Nov 9, 2007
I do a lot of onsite audio recording and need a cooler that is pretty lightweight, but could also hold a Q6600 at around 3.0 ghz on an eVGA 750i FTW.

I seem to hear a lot of good things about the Zalman 8700 and the Arctic 7, any takers?
You should be able to hit 3.0 with the stock retail cooler frankly, but whether or not you'll get decent temps w/ it is another matter - although 3.0 (@ probably stock volts) should be ok.

If you do decide to go aftermarket, I'd look into something that *doesn't* use the push pin mounting, or get/rig a bolt conversion for the cooler if not available as such (OSH/Home Depot/etc FTW). The Xigmatek S/RS1283 coolers really seem to be killer bang for the buck deals right now, especially if you can find them w/ a free ship code like Newegg has had a few times recently. They do use a push pin mounting, but Xigmatek also has a bolt system available (or will be soon), otherwise it's easy enough to ditch the pins and source the parts yourself as noted above.
The thermalright ultima 90 is a good cooler as well.

Seconded. It performs well, doesn't weigh much, and the mounting is quite secure so there's no need to worry about it falling off if you move your case alot. That's why I got it, I like to get together with friends alot for small lans so I wanted a heatsink that was fairly light and wouldn't fall off or potentially crack the mobo (due the weight shifting around).
Noctua NH-12P is an awesome cooler, dunno how heavy it is though...

why did you get the 750i FTW if you do audio production? do consider a fan controller, not just because of the cpu fan, but see whether you can do something with the northbridge heatsink to cool it passively = less noise
A Thermalright XP120 takes the cake on weight/performance... but you can't find them any more. See if you can find one used. 370g, kicked ass, just get a good fan for it, also uses a retention kit. Should be able to hold up to a 3.0GHz quad.

The SI128SE is available, heavier at 500g, but also quite a performer.

The key about both these heatsinks is that they're low profile (the XP120 more so).