How hard is it to reach 4ghz?


Jan 18, 2005
I read through the OCing sticky fully and it seems to me that 4ghz is easy.. but then again i see some people struggling to reach it. I have a 3.2 prescott with a stock muliplier of 200x16. Im planning to get DDR500 Ram so, from what i read, i can raise my fsb to 250x16 and get 4ghz. Im also planning to get a xp-90C with a 92mm tornado so temps shouldnt be much of a prob. Is it really that easy?
AznAnarchy99 said:
Is it really that easy?

it just depends. what kind of Prescott do you have? is it a socket 478 or is it an LGA775?

if its a socket 478, then chances are you hitting 4Ghz isnt going to happen because those 478 Prescotts run extremely hot. I had a 3.0E Prescott (socket 478) that would run at 3.9Ghz all day long but it wouldnt do 4Ghz no matter what I did.

now, the LGA775 chips are a different story. here's what my 3.0 530J Prescott is running on quiet air cooling with load temps at 56C.

Funny then how my 3.4ghz Prescott hits 4.0ghz with relative ease and not breaking a sweat staying well under 50 degrees in a 65 degree ambiant room.

Now I am pressing on for 4.1+ghz
Depends on the revision.

CO revision Prescotts are hit-or miss to 4ghz.

DO and EO typically can do it with reasonable cooling.
^^ ok..

as for the revision, how would i see that? on the box or directly on the chip?

I have a socket 478 btw.. it is running really hot (45 Idle 60 Load), but from what i heard from clanmates and friends is that they have hit 30 idle with an xp-90 and a tornado, hopefully a xp-90C can shave off a degree or 2 (from what ive read of reviews).
OCing is funny as no 2 identicle systems really behave the same way. In my opinion OCing up 4ghz can be done with a good air system and case cooling. Anything at 4+ghz really should be done with water.
water is out of my budget. 13 year old (14 in 9 days) with california child labor laws = no job
AznAnarchy99 said:
water is out of my budget. 13 year old (14 in 9 days) with california child labor laws = no job

You don't have to have legit job.

Mow yards.

Take out the trash for the old lady down the street.

Pick weeds out of peoples gardens.

Tis how I made my cash when I was younger :D
Komataguri said:
You don't have to have legit job.

Mow yards.

Take out the trash for the old lady down the street.

Pick weeds out of peoples gardens.

Tis how I made my cash when I was younger :D

Honestly. Why do kids think they can't work now and days? I mowed lawns and pulled weeds. I made more an hour than I did at my first job.

neighbors arent exactly friendly here..

but yea, when i start ocing, should i go slow? a little bit every time or should i just try 4ghz right away?
Komataguri said:
You don't have to have legit job.

Mow yards.

Take out the trash for the old lady down the street.

Pick weeds out of peoples gardens.

Tis how I made my cash when I was younger :D
yep had my own lawn mowin business and everything.

made quite a bit o' money for a 13 yo.

AznAnarchy99 said:
neighbors arent exactly friendly here..

but yea, when i start ocing, should i go slow? a little bit every time or should i just try 4ghz right away?
yea slow. sounds like you need to read up a little more on ocing. you know what FSB and vcore and all that is?

but anyways- to answer your question- go slow, a few mhz at a time, untill your comp crashes, then up the vcore a bit and continue where you left off, all the while minding your temp. Run Prime95 for a few minutes when taking the temp reading. Its the load temp that matters, not the idle bios temp.

dont get too greedy and blow your CPU though...
just had a great idea =P

bday = water cooling system


I know what FSB is but vcore, voltage for cpu?

btw some secondary questions, with water cooling, do i still need case fans? do i need such strong case fans as my 4 tornados (might get a 5th) or should i sell them for quieter fans?
My current setup is a Swiftech water block and their rev3 system with a RadBox. I have 2 80mm fans built in to the case at the front taking in air and my PSU has 2 80mm fans. All in all very quite. I might add a blowhole fan though as I see myself in the need for speed lane at the moment and ever bit of cooling helps ;)

As for the $$$ issue, just look for odd jobs where and when ever you can.

And 100% deffinatly GO SLOW. Make sure you understand what you are doing BEFORE you do it.
i have a thermaltake xaser III case which has 2 80mm outakes.. most of the kits that i have seen (thermaltake and corsair) have 120mm fans for their cooling systems... is there anyway i can fit it on.. or should i got for an external water system
It all depends on how far you want to try and reach and how much money you want to throw at it.

Personaly I like the idea of an external radiator as the interior of your case is always going to be warmer thus this will give you a little more from the get go. Many however like the idea of everyhting in the box as it is more secure and much more portable.

Still learning myself


My entire system:
Lian Li PC-&HW Black w/Window & Blue LEDs - Asus P4C800E-Deluxe - P4 3.4ghz Prescott SL7E6 (OC 4ghz @ 40c under load ambient room tempreture 65 degrees) - OCZ PC-3200EL Rev2 Platinum Dual Channel 1G - Ultra X-Connect 500w Blue Titanium finish PS - Swiftech H20-120 Rev 3 - Swiftech MCB-120 RadBox - WD Raptor 74gig SATA (Primary) - Hitachi 400gig SATA (Storage) - Plextor PX-716SA/SW DVD/CD combo burner - Nvidia 6800 Ultra
Some 2.4A and Celeron Ds are hitting it. I can get 3.7 prime stable with stock volts and cooling. I think I will hit 4 once I get a motherboard that I can raise volts on.
3.2E socket 478 revision EO

4ghz was cake. Junk Ram has me maxing out somehere around 4.2ghz, but the CPU handles it with ease (and has been rock solid stable.)
I have water cooling, but it's not nessecary. Before this i had a coolermaster Jet4 that kept me right around the same temp. It was just loud as hell though.
1quicksi said:
It all depends on how far you want to try and reach and how much money you want to throw at it.

Personaly I like the idea of an external radiator as the interior of your case is always going to be warmer thus this will give you a little more from the get go. Many however like the idea of everyhting in the box as it is more secure and much more portable.

Still learning myself


My entire system:
Lian Li PC-&HW Black w/Window & Blue LEDs - Asus P4C800E-Deluxe - P4 3.4ghz Prescott SL7E6 (OC 4ghz @ 40c under load ambient room tempreture 65 degrees) - OCZ PC-3200EL Rev2 Platinum Dual Channel 1G - Ultra X-Connect 500w Blue Titanium finish PS - Swiftech H20-120 Rev 3 - Swiftech MCB-120 RadBox - WD Raptor 74gig SATA (Primary) - Hitachi 400gig SATA (Storage) - Plextor PX-716SA/SW DVD/CD combo burner - Nvidia 6800 Ultra

thats exactly what im thinking.. if eveything is inner, its easier to transport, if things are external, i can deal with them easier, more room in my case, etc... right now im trying to decide between the Zalman fanless one, the cooler master one, and the thermaltake (if its compatable)
I have a Koolance exos water cooling system. However, if air cooled and you can keep your temp at load below 50C or so, you should hit 4Hz with the ram you have. I have crappy ram so although I managed to hit passed 4Ghz from a 478 prescott 3.2Ghz (at low temp and low core voltage 1.5V), the system was unstable due to Nanya ram. Make sure your case is well ventilated, and good luck with the overclock. I would overclock the FSB slowly, by increment of 5. Once you get into windows and run 3dMark ok, up the FSB. Once you hit instability, up the vcore. Watch for the temperature with aircooling. Don't be too greedy as to burnout your cpu.
Good luck.
Koolance water systems are really expensive and i would have to buy the water blocks seperately also (the ati water block with mem cooler is really nice but for 160? -_- )

i think i might just wait for this

the new thermaltake big water external kit. Would go with my thermaltake case (wish i would have gone with coolermaster) but it looks like it would solve most of my delemas. The Auqagate is also nice but i just dont have good ventilation for that (sucks air from front bays, i have a door). and its pretty old (early 04) so a new one might be out soon.

back to overclocking, another member at this forum reconmended this memory a while back

from what i have read it performs well for its low price at ddr500. Im hoping this can get it up to 4ghz providing my cpu is up to the challenge. are there any other good ram?
OCing is luck of the draw on some chips. My 3.0c is not the norm. But 4.0g can be done on a s478 system.
Yeah, that ram should be OK. Heck, I have a Nanya crap (PC3200 cas 3-4-4-8). To get to 4Ghz, I had to have the FSB to RAM ratio of 5:4 (320Mhz on Asus P4P800) and run the FSB at 250 (translate to 200Mhz for the ram). That is borderline stable. Won't post past that.
As for water cooling, i chose the Exos because of portability and ease of use. You can make your own system at a much lower price and some cheap parts. I used to do that when I was scrapping for denero.
For a radiator, you can go to a junk yard and canibalize a transmission radiator from a car, a radiator from a trashed small refrigerator, or purchase a new transmission radiator from a car shop (20-30 bucks). Get a decent waterblock like RBX from dangerden or from swiftech. Go to an aquarium store, get a good 300gph pump and mod it to fit the correct tubbing. Slap on 2-3 high power 120mm fans, get a bottle to make a reservoir. Then put everything in a wood case (make one yourself). Overall, the system should not cost too much compare to an Exos or the kits sold elsewhere. It may not look pretty (unless you are good at carpentry and welding), but it will function as well or even better than the kits.
You could always get a celeron, I heard they clock like hell, but performance is lax. :rolleyes:

mobos voltage regulation is too unstable for the cpu to be stable, but im positive it can do it, this mobos screwed up, damn canterwood problem :mad: :(
i just set it at 1.70v and did it, i seriously didnt expect it to go that high, but stepping it up it happened :D
this cpu was such a great find, my friend had it in a laptop :eek: and was complaining about his laptop getting so hot you could feel the heat on the underside of the table and the fact that the computer would slow down after a while and even shut off completely(cant imagine why) so i offered to swap cpus with him so he got my mucho cooler running 2.6c and i got his SL6WE 3.2c
he is amased that his laptop lasts more then 30 minutes on the battery now lol
I'm sure i could get a pic of my 3.0 at 4.0 ghz but my prescott ran hot right out of the box :/ It idels at 46 C at Stock and idles at 49 C @ 3.75 got all the way up to 67 C on Prime 95. with a XP-90 :(
mine doesnt get that hot, it dual prime95 loads at 65C with my xp-120 and panaflo m1a but typical full load is 62C, what amases me is is the xp-120 doesnt really get warm, the only warm part about it is the heat pipes they get almost hot
at 1.70v boy does that cpu pull a lot of power tho, it actualy makes my 535w enermax a little warm, at 1.70v my 2.6c at 3.2 ghz wasnt even able to do that :eek:
Water is out of your budget, but you're buying a HSK that costs about the same as my DDen TDX CPU block.

Personally my creed with computer Overclocking has been. If I can't afford to throw it away, don't Overclock it.

My 3.2E had a really hard time getting past a 1:1 235FSB. Then I moved from socket 478 to LGA775, temps dropped, and I can do 240FSB w/o much trouble. ..I haven't pushed it up to 245fsb yet due to lack of time.
no 180 is just for memory, i have about 250+ for water cooling

so what would be better? corsair 4000pro or that geil one? im just looking for some opinions