How Fallout 3 Is Different Than Oblivion

I didn't think I could be any more excited for Fallout 3, but that article just raised my impatience exponentially.

My only hope is that Fallout 3 will indeed come out on Steam :]
Most of the interview was good and i'm looking forward to the game but i hate this kind of thing.

"I never played the first two Fallouts..."
"That flavor is everything that Fallout ever was"

Except he never played them.
Well, for starters, Fallout 3 has guns, it's brown, and...and, uh...hmm. Oh! The Pip Boy! Oblivion doesn't have a Pip Boy ;)
They just announced that Fallout 3 will have no DRM.

Hmm we're actually currently almost killing each other in another topic about the same article that NMA is referencing.

Gonna need more concrete confirmation than that. Like what brand of DRM they're deciding on and whether there will be install limits.
Hmm we're actually currently almost killing each other in another topic about the same article that NMA is referencing.

Gonna need more concrete confirmation than that. Like what brand of DRM they're deciding on and whether there will be install limits.

"It comes with little surprise the news that Bethesda isn't putting some infamous DRM software in their Windows version of Fallout 3:

Pretty similar to what we did for Oblivion, which was—we basically don't do any—we do the mildest form possible. I actually don't know if I even want to get into what it is that we exactly do, but we try to be really noninvasive when it comes to that stuff.

I guess everyone agrees this is for the better of everyone directly involved".

Nothing mentioned about install limits, stop being paranoid. One bad apple spoils the whole bunch with you guys apparently.
I'm not one of "those guys" that'll let some crappy DRM keep me from a good game. Screw the whole DRM argument I'll deal with whatever problems come up when they actually come up.

Lets look a little further down in the article to what I was actually referencing.

Shack: I can't recall what Oblivion did, but will there be any install limit on Fallout 3?

Pete Hines: That's a good question. I don't actually know. [ed- Fallout 3 has no install limit.]

Thats the portion we were arguing about but it seems that an addendum has been added by the editor(it wasn't there when everyone flipped out). So that actually resolves the install limit issue.
Most of the interview was good and i'm looking forward to the game but i hate this kind of thing.

"I never played the first two Fallouts..."
"That flavor is everything that Fallout ever was"

Except he never played them.
She did a great article but I do agree that just as much as myself not knowing what its about, she doesn't either. I'm just looking forward to learning of the experience in post-nuclear Washington, D.C.. :D
She did a great article but I do agree that just as much as myself not knowing what its about, she doesn't either. I'm just looking forward to learning of the experience in post-nuclear Washington, D.C.. :D

I don't know if it was a good article. I mean how can she possibly compare and conclude that FO3 is " is everything that Fallout ever was" when she hasn't played the original series? It doesn't add up.

Hopefully FO3 will still be enjoyable despite the changes.
I agree with you. She can't compare it to anything if she doesn't know how it was.
Geez... that's like not seeing Godfather 1 & 2 and expecting 3 to be great based on Al Pachino's appearance. :/
So far, what I've ready indicates that this game will be well worth my money, true to the originals or not.
Well, it's not the fallout i wanted, but it's the fallout we have. I'll be buying and playing it, and hoping before hand that they didn't hurt my baby too badly! :D
I cannot wait for it to come out. Its one of the reasons why I bought my 24" Benq.
She did a great article but I do agree that just as much as myself not knowing what its about, she doesn't either. I'm just looking forward to learning of the experience in post-nuclear Washington, D.C.. :D

Same here. I work in DC. I'll let you know how accurate they are! ;)
obviously, I think they picked the WRONG person to see how FO3 compares with 1 and 2:

"I’m glad they decided to make combat real time, because nothing screams “I’m afraid of evolving” like turn-based fights."

I think she meant to say: "nothing screams I suck at turned based strategy games like me saying I’m glad they decided to make combat real time, because nothing screams “I’m afraid of evolving” like turn-based fights.""

Has this girl only played shooters and platformers or something? Afraid of evolving? Seriously? That's the same as saying "I’m glad they decided to make chess into a shooter, because nothing screams “I’m afraid of evolving” like turn-based fights."

I think she needs to broaden her horizons just a little bit.