How easy is it for an athlon XP to get crushed by a zalman HSF?

Nov 5, 2003
i know that the Zalman CNPS7000A-Cu's are heavy, but before i buy it i wanna know how easy it is for these bad boys to crush my 2500.

will it crush my core by just gravity or can i put it on without worry?(didnt order yet though)
No worry, just take your time bolting it down. couple turns on each bolt. then alternate.
it bolts down for the socket A boards too?

does it have a backplate to put on too?(back of motherboard)
yea like tedinde says take yoru time, and when you are bolting them down, press down (not too hard) on the opposite corner diagonal to the one you are bolting.
it won't be crushed by gravity... just by the presure you neeed to hold the HSF...

because when you put your casing upright, the weight of the HSF won't be on your CPU..