How does one show this overlay?


May 8, 2006
This one. Referenced in the [H] 7950GX2 review. Should I be able to show that overlay whilst running a single 7950GX2, or something like it? How else can I confirm that both cards are functioning?
That is a screenshot from a game, I just can't remember which one it is. This is not a control panel setup or anything like that.
The screenshot says its F.E.A.R. (look at the top) But what i dont understand is how it has quad support when i had to manually enter my widescreen resolution into the settings.
The QuadSLI Load balencer? It's in the nVidia SLI options somewhere..
Oompa said:
The QuadSLI Load balencer? It's in the nVidia SLI options somewhere..

Yeah that thing! Where would I find the SLI options? The 7950GX2 is recognized as SLI, right?
I've looked several times in the nVidia display properties, but no load balancer nor any SLi options at all... can anyone tell me where I should be looking?
mercutio i just got my 7950gx2 and i can't find the sli menu either, even after installing coolbits, i still can't see it.
You cannot turn it on with a single GX2. You'd need two GX2's in "SLI" to use it. Or any other dual card SLI setup.

This is because the GX2 technically is in "MultiGPU" mode, not "SLI" mode, even though that is really what it is. It's a driver thing I think.