How do you test for packet loss?

Dec 2, 2000
I've just ordered a new ISP at work, and I'd like to test for packet loss since I've read some review of this company which are less than stellar.

We're not doing heavy traffic at the moment, but I'd like to make sure out network is in tip-top shape anyway. Are there any tools or programs I can run overnight to see if the ISP is dropping packets?

Thanks in advance.
Um. There are a million. All of them do the same thing. Run a continuous ping with normal sized packets, a continuous ping with large packets and an mtr. (A.K.A. Matt's traceroute.)

They have great tools, alot of info, and good forums for interpreting the results.
Solarwinds has a decent ping tool that will allow you to log your results and see different things like high/low/average RTD and packet loss, but running an extended ping through Windows, Unix, etc. will work just as well...